5月14日 青年必得力获胜
Youth Receiving Power to Be Overcomers, May 14
Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.Ecclesiastes 11:9.{YRP 143.1}[1]
我们投诚于上帝,才会获大益。我们既然都有品格的弱点,就要与那位有力量能拯救的主联合。我们的无知就会与无限的智慧联合,我们的脆弱与持久的力量联合,象雅各一样,我们每一个人都可以成为上帝的一个王子。我们与耶和华以色列的上帝联络,就会有来自上头的能力使我们成为得胜者;而我们藉着把神圣的爱分给人,便得以接近人心。我们以颤抖的手抓住无穷者的宝座说:“祢若不给我祝福,我就不容祢去”(创32:26)。{YRP 143.1}[2]
In surrendering ourselves to God, we reap great advantages; for if we have weaknesses of character, as we all have, we unite ourselves to One who is mighty to save. Our ignorance will be united to infinite wisdom, our frailty to enduring might, and, like Jacob, we may each become a prince with God. Connected with the Lord God of Israel, we shall have power from above which will enable us to be overcomers; and by the impartation of divine love, we shall find access to the hearts of men. We shall have fastened our trembling grasp upon the throne of the Infinite, and shall say, “I will not let thee go, except thou bless me” (Genesis 32:26).{YRP 143.2}[2]
主已经保证祂必赐福给我们,并使我们造福他人;这就是我们的亮光,我们的喜乐,我们的胜利。当青年明白何为心中有上帝的恩爱时,才会开始认识到那以血买来的特权何等可贵,就会进而将自己的能力献给上帝,也会努力增加上帝赐给他们的才干,为主服务。{YRP 143.2}[3]
The assurance is given that He will bless us and make us a blessing; and this is our light, our joy, our triumph. When the youth understand what it is to have the favor and love of God in the heart, they will begin to realize the value of their blood-bought privileges, and will consecrate their ability to God, and strive with all their God-given powers to increase their talents to use in the Master’s service.{YRP 143.3}[3]
在这个罪恶的时代,青年唯一的保障就是与上帝有活的联系。他们必须学习如何寻求上帝,好为圣灵充满,行事好象认识到全体天军都在关怀注意他们,准备在危险和需要时为他们效力。我们应当以警告来护卫青年,指导他们抗拒试探,教他们知道在上帝的话中所能得到的鼓励,让他们看出踏上罪恶路途是何等危险。他们应当学会尊重上帝圣言中的劝勉。要教导他们决心抵抗罪恶,决不踏上没有耶稣同行、不得祂赐福的路。(RH.1893.11.21){YRP 143.3}[4]
The only safety for our youth in this age of sin and crime is to have a living connection with God. They must learn how to seek God, that they may be filled with His Holy Spirit, and act as though they realized that the whole host of heaven was looking upon them with interested solicitude, ready to minister unto them in danger and in time of need. The youth should be barricaded by warning and instruction against temptation. They should be taught what are the encouragements held out to them in the Word of God. They should have delineated before them the peril of taking a step into the bypaths of evil. They should be educated to revere the counsels of God in His sacred oracles. They should be so instructed that they will set their resolution against evil, and determine that they will not enter into any path where they could not expect Jesus to accompany them, and His blessing to abide upon them.—The Review and Herald, November 21, 1893.{YRP 143.4}[4]
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