6月6日 与神能合作
Cooperating With the Divine Power, June 6
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.Acts 1:8.{YRP 166.1}[1]
上帝决心不遗余力地将世人从仇敌的圈套中救回来。基督升天之后,就赐下圣灵来帮助凡愿意与祂合作的人,改变和重塑人的品格。我们的救主已界定圣灵在这工作上所担任的角色。祂说圣灵“要叫世人为罪,为义,为审判,自己责备自己”(约16:8)。圣灵使人知罪,也使人成圣。{YRP 166.1}[2]
God has determined to leave nothing undone to recover man from the toils of the enemy.AfterChrist’s ascension, the Holy Spirit was given to man to assist all who would cooperate with Him in the reshaping and remodeling of the human character. The Holy Spirit’s part of the work has been defined by our Saviour. He says, “He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:8). The Holy Spirit is the convicter, and sanctifier as well.{YRP 166.2}[2]
人若不觉得自己有罪就不会悔改,我们努力接触影响堕落的人时,显然必需与圣灵联合同工。我们若不与天上的智能联合,运用一切人力也必徒然。人们正是由于缺乏那叫人活的真理的知识,又受到谬论的败坏影响,才沉入罪恶堕落的深渊。天使和人要协力同工,将上帝的真理教导那些没有学过真理的人,好释放他们脱离罪的捆锁。惟有真理才能使人得自由。要将这种因真理而得的自由、自主传给每一个人。{YRP 166.2}[3]
As none can repent of their sins until they are convicted, the necessity of uniting the Spirit with us in our labor to reach the fallen is apparent. All of our human abilities will be exercised in vain unless we are united to the heavenly intelligences. It is through the lack of knowledge of the vitalizing truth, and the corrupting influence of error, that men are fallen so low, sunk in the depths of sinful degradation. Angels and men are to work in harmony to teach the truth of God to those who are unlearned therein, that they may be set free from the bonds of sin. It is the truth alone that makes men free. This liberty, this freedom through the knowledge of the truth, is to be proclaimed to every creature.{YRP 166.3}[3]
耶稣基督,上帝自己,和天上的天使都关心这盛大圣洁的工作。人类已蒙赐予崇高的特权,通过无私地从事拯救世人脱离所陷入的败坏深坑的工作来彰显上帝的品格。每一个愿意顺从圣灵启迪的人,都要用来成就这由上帝所策划的工作。基督是教会的元首,让教会的每一分子都从事救灵的工作,就会更加荣耀祂。{YRP 166.3}[4]
Jesus Christ, God Himself, and the angels of heaven are interested in this grand and holy work. Man has been given the exalted privilege of revealing the divine character by unselfishly engaging in the effort to rescue man from the pit of ruin into which he has been plunged. Every human being who will submit to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit is to be used for the accomplishment of this divinely conceived purpose. Christ is the head of His church, and it will glorify Him the more to have every portion of that church engaged in the work for the salvation of souls.{YRP 166.4}[4]
但从事这事工的人必须让圣灵有更多工作的余地,好使大家能同心合意,象一队团结的士兵那样刚强有力,勇往直前。我们都要记住“我们成了一台戏,给世人和天使观看”(林前4:9)。(AUCR.1898.4.1){YRP 166.4}[5]
But the human workers need to leave more room for the Holy Spirit to work, that the laborers may be bound together, and move forward in the strength of a united body of soldiers. Let all remember that we are “a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men” (1 Corinthians 4:9).—(Australasian) Union Conference Record, April 1, 1898.{YRP 166.5}[5]
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