6月7日 与上帝同工
Laborers Together With God, June 7
For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.1 Corinthians 3:9.{YRP 167.1}[1]
要以圣灵为使人知罪的活代表。那位神圣的代表把十字架牺牲的功劳呈现在讲道的人面前。当真理与在场的人接触时,基督就赢得他们归于祂自己,并且着手改变他们本性。祂随时准备帮助我们的软弱,用来自天国的观念教导、带领和激励我们。{YRP 167.1}[2]
The Holy Spirit must be the living agency to convince of sin. The divine agent presents to the speaker the benefits of the sacrifice made upon the cross; and as the truth is brought in contact with the souls present, Christ wins them to Himself, and works to transform their nature. He is ready to help our infirmities, to teach, to lead, to inspire us with ideas that are of heavenly birth.{YRP 167.2}[2]
在救灵的工作上,人们所能做的是何等微小。但如果他们被基督的灵所充满,则靠着祂所能成就的却是何等的伟大!人间的教师无法洞悉听众的内心,但耶稣却能将各人所需要的恩典分赐他们。祂了解人的才能、软弱和长处。主正在人心中工作,而传道人对听众而言可能成为死的香气叫人死,使他们远离基督。但如果传道人专诚献身,不信靠自己,单仰望耶稣,就能对那些已经受到圣灵感化而知罪的人成为活的香气叫人活。主正在这些人的心中预备道路,以便领受祂赐给人的信息。不信之人的心就这样受到感动,回应真理的信息。{YRP 167.2}[3]
How little can men do in the work of saving souls, and yet how much through Christ, if they are imbued with His Spirit! The human teacher cannot read the hearts of his hearers; but Jesus dispenses the grace that every soul needs. He understands the capabilities of man, his weakness and his strength. The Lord is working on the human heart; and a minister can be to the souls who are listening to his words a savor of death unto death, turning them away from Christ; or, if he is consecrated, devotional, distrustful of self, but looking unto Jesus, he may be a savor of life unto life to souls who are already under the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, and in whose hearts the Lord is preparing the way for the messages which He has given to the human agent. Thus the heart of the unbeliever is touched, and it responds to the message of truth.{YRP 167.3}[3]
“我们是与上帝同工的。”植根于心中的信念,和因圣道的进入而开启的悟性,是和谐同工的。进入人心的真理拥有唤醒心灵种种潜能的能力。上帝的灵在人心中运行,配合上帝藉着祂仆人所做的工作。{YRP 167.3}[4]
“We are labourers together with God.” The convictions implanted in the heart, and the enlightenment of the understanding by the entrance of the Word, work in perfect harmony. The truth brought before the mind has power to arouse the dormant energies of the soul. The Spirit of God working in the heart cooperates with the working of God through His human instrumentalities.{YRP 167.4}[4]
我再三得到指示,上帝的子民在这末后的日子倚靠人,倚靠血肉的膀臂是不安全的。真理的大刀已经把他们从世上切割出来,如同粗糙的石块,必须经过切磋琢磨,才能用来建造属天的建筑。他们必须被众先知的责备、警告、劝戒和忠告所砍凿,以便按照那神圣的模范被塑造。这是保惠师的特定工作。祂要改变人的内心和品格,好使人能遵守主道。(HM.1893.11.1){YRP 167.4}[5]
Again and again I have been shown that the people of God in these last days could not be safe in trusting in men, and making flesh their arm. The mighty cleaver of truth has taken them out of the world as rough stones that are to be hewed and squared and polished for the heavenly building. They must be hewed by the prophets with reproof, warning, admonition, and advice, that they may be fashioned after the divine Pattern; this is the specified work of the Comforter—to transform heart and character, that men may keep the way of the Lord.—The Home Missionary, November 1, 1893.{YRP 167.5}[5]
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