1月19日 圣灵为我们祈求
The Spirit Intercedes for Us, January 19
And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.Romans 8:27.{YRP 27.1}[1]
我们只有一条亲近上帝的通道。我们的祷告惟有藉着我们的中保主耶稣的名才能到达上帝面前。祂的灵必须默示我们的请求。不要将凡火用在圣所中摇在上帝面前的香炉里。所以,我们的祷告若要蒙上帝悦纳,就必须由主亲自在我们心中点燃火热的心愿。我们里面的圣灵必须用说不出来的叹息为我们代求。{YRP 27.1}[2]
We have only one channel of approach to God. Our prayers can come to Him through one name only—that of the Lord Jesus our Advocate. His Spirit must inspire our petitions. No strange fire was to be used in the censers that were waved before God in the sanctuary. So the Lord Himself must kindle in our hearts the burning desire, if our prayers are acceptable to Him. The Holy Spirit within must make intercessions for us, with groanings that cannot be uttered.{YRP 27.2}[2]
深切感知我们的需要,和强烈渴望我们所求之事,必须是我们祷告的特征,否则我们的祷告就不会蒙垂听。但是我们不要因为没有立即得到应允,就感到厌倦,停止请愿。“天国是努力进入的,努力的人就得着了”(太11:12)。“努力”在这里的意思是指一种圣洁的热诚,如同雅各所表现的。我们不必设法使自己情绪高涨、情感沸腾;而要平心静气、坚定持续地把我们的请求呈达施恩的宝座前。我们的工作是要在上帝面前谦卑己心,承认我们的罪,并且凭着信心亲近上帝。主答允了但以理的祷告,不是因为但以理可以荣耀自己,而是因为那福气可以反映上帝的荣耀。上帝的计划是要在祂天意的安排和祂的恩典中彰显祂自己。我们祷告的目的必须是荣耀上帝,而不是荣耀我们自己。{YRP 27.2}[3]
A deep sense of our need, and a great desire for the things for which we ask, must characterize our prayers, else they will not be heard. But we are not to become weary, and cease our petitions because the answer is not immediately received. “The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12). The violence here meant is a holy earnestness, such as Jacob manifested. We need not try to work ourselves up into an intense feeling; but calmly, persistently, we are to press our petitions at the throne of grace. Our work is to humble our souls before God, confessing our sins, and in faith drawing nigh unto God. The Lord answered the prayer of Daniel, not that Daniel might glorify himself, but that the blessing might reflect glory to God. It is the design of God to reveal Himself in His providence and in His grace. The object of our prayers must be the glory of God, not the glorification of ourselves.{YRP 27.3}[3]
何时我们看到自己实在软弱、无知和无助,我们才会以谦卑恳求者的身份来到上帝面前。任何人骄傲和自以为义,都是对上帝和基督无知所造成的。一个人不认识上帝的无误指标,见于这个事实:他自觉伟大或良善。内心的骄傲总是与对上帝的无知连在一起的。从上帝来的亮光才使我们发现自己的黑暗与缺乏。当上帝的荣耀启示给但以理时,他就惊叹:“我见了这大异象便浑身无力,面貌失色,毫无气力 ”(但10:8)。{YRP 27.3}[4]
When we see ourselves weak, ignorant, and helpless, as we really are, we shall come before God as humble suppliants. It is ignorance of God and of Christ that makes any soul proud and self-righteous. The infallible indication that a man knows not God is found in the fact that he feels that in himself he is great or good. Pride of heart is always associated with ignorance of God. It is the light from God that discovers our darkness and destitution. When the divine glory was revealed to Daniel, he exclaimed, “My comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength” (Daniel 10:8).{YRP 27.4}[4]
谦卑的寻求者见到上帝真体那一刻,就必如但以理一样看见他自己。这不会使人心灵狂傲虚妄,却使人深感上帝的圣洁和祂要求的公义。(RH.1897.2.9){YRP 27.4}[5]
The moment the humble seeker sees God as He is, that moment he will have the same view of himself that Daniel had. There will be no lifting up of the soul unto vanity, but a deep sense of the holiness of God and of the justice of His requirements.—The Review and Herald, February 9, 1897.{YRP 27.5}[5]
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