7月20日 恩赐不分主次
No Gift Superior or Inferior, July 20
For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.Mark 13:34.{YRP 210.1}[1]
现在耶稣正在天上的圣所中服务,但祂也与祂的工人们同在,因为祂宣布说:“凡我所吩咐你们的,都教训他们遵守,我就常与你们同在,直到世界的末了”(太28:20)。祂是祂地上教会的属灵导师。祂渴望看见信徒坚决为推进上帝的国度同心协力。祂兴起了一批又一批的工人,从祂这位大教师手中接受权柄。祂拣选了不同才华和能力的人从事祂的圣工。其中有一些可能不是你会拣选择的人,但你的经验会告诉你,上帝提拔了你会认为比你差的人。{YRP 210.1}[2]
Jesus is ministering in the heavenly sanctuary, but He is with His workers also; for He declares, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20). He is spiritual director of His church on earth, and He longs to see the members filled with a determination to labor harmoniously for the advancement of His kingdom. He has raised up a succession of workers who derive their authority from Him, the Great Teacher. He has chosen for His work men of varied talents and varied capabilities. Some of these might not be the men you would choose, but you will pass through an experience that will lead you to see that God exalts men whom you would regard as inferior to yourselves.{YRP 210.2}[2]
当审判开始,案卷打开之时,许多人会惊讶上帝对品格的评估。他们会认识到上帝看人不象人看人。祂的审判不象人的判断。祂监察人心,知道引起行为的动机。每一个为祂所作的忠心努力,祂都承认和悦纳。主在祂的圣工中使用不同的恩赐。任何工人都不要认为自己的恩赐高过其他工人的恩赐。让上帝来做判断吧!祂考验和赞许祂的工人。祂正确地评价他们的资质。祂把不同的恩赐放在教会里,以满足祂工人所接触之人各种不同心思的需要。{YRP 210.2}[3]
When the judgment shall sit, and the books are opened, many will be surprised by God’s estimate of character. They will realize that God sees not as man sees, that He judges not as human beings judge. He reads the heart. He knows the motives that prompt the action, and He recognizes and commends every faithful effort put forth for Him. The Lord uses various gifts in His work. Let no worker think that his gifts are superior to those of another worker. Let God be the judge. He tests and approves His workers, and He places a just estimate on their qualifications. He has placed in the church a variety of gifts, to meet the varied wants of the many minds with which His workers are brought in contact.{YRP 210.3}[3]
上帝赐给各人当做的工。每一个人都要做所交托给他的工作。 每一个人的恩赐和性情都不一样。大家都需要每天感受圣灵改变人心的能力,使他们能为耶和华多结果子。那使传福音的人工作取得成效的,不是他们自己。使人相信和悔改的,乃是传道人背后那位看不见的工人。(BTS.1909.11.1){YRP 210.3}[4]
The Lord has given to every man his work, and every man is to do the work that the Lord has given him. All have not the same gifts or the same disposition. All need to feel daily the converting power of the Holy Spirit, that they may bear much fruit for the Lord. It is not the one who preaches the gospel that provides the efficiency that makes his efforts successful. It is the unseen Worker standing behind the minister who brings conviction and conversion to souls.—Bible Training School, November 1, 1909.{YRP 210.4}[4]
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