To Meet Fanaticism, August 15
For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.2 Peter 1:16.{YRP 236.1}[1]
在过去的年间,我一再蒙指示,责备人们接二连三提出来的计划。这些计划是凭空想象,为上帝所禁止的。我的信息一贯是,用简单谦卑的方法传道,向人们传讲清楚、纯粹的真理。不为狂热运动开任何方便之门,因为其影响势必给上帝的子民造成思想混乱、沮丧和信心的丧失。……{YRP 236.1}[2]
Again and again in past years I have been bidden to speak in protest against the fanciful and forbidden schemes that have been presented by one and another. My message has ever been, Preach the Word in simplicity and all humility; present clear, unadulterated truth to the people. Open no door to fanatical movements, for the influence of these is to bring confusion of mind and discouragement and lack of faith to God’s people....{YRP 236.2}[2]
每当我蒙召应对形形色色的狂热主义时,我都得到清楚无误的正面指示,要扬声抵制其影响。在有些人身上,罪恶是以用人为的试验来确定上帝旨意的形式表现的。我蒙指示,这是一种让人着迷的欺骗,是与主的旨意相背离的。如果我们遵循这样的方法,就是在帮助仇敌的计划。过去有些信徒对用来确定自己责任的征兆信心十足。他们甚至走到互换妻子,把奸淫罪带入教会的地步。{YRP 236.2}[3]
Whenever I have been called to meet fanaticism in its varied forms, I have received clear, positive, and definite instruction to lift my voice against its influence. With some the evil has revealed itself in the form of man-made tests for ascertaining a knowledge of the will of God; and I was shown that this was a delusion which became an infatuation, and that it is contrary to the will of the Lord. If we follow such methods, we shall be found aiding the enemy’s plans. In times past certain among the believers had great faith in the setting of signs by which to decide their duty. Some had such confidence in these signs that men went so far as to exchange wives, thus bringing adultery into the church.{YRP 236.3}[3]
我蒙指示,我们早期运动中所出现过的那些欺骗,还会重新出现,在末后的圣工中须再次应对。此时此刻,上帝要求我们的全部力量都接受祂的掌握,遵照祂所赐的亮光运用自己的各项机能。要研究《马太福音》四章八至十节和五章十三节,默想基督所推动的圣工,如此把圣经的原则带到我们的工作中去。(2SM 28){YRP 236.3}[4]
I have been shown that deceptions like those we were called to meet in the early experiences of the message would be repeated, and that we shall have to meet them again in the closing days of the work. At this time we are required to bring all our powers under the control of God, exercising our faculties in accordance with the light He has given. Read the fourth and fifth chapters of Matthew. Study?Matthew 4:8-10; also?chapter 5:13. Meditate upon the sacred work that was carried forward by Christ. It is thus that the principles of the Word of God are to be brought into our labors.—Selected Messages 2:28, 29.{YRP 236.4}[4]
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