10月24日 一种永恒的联系
A Permanent Connection, October 24
And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint.Luke 18:1.{YRP 306.1}[1]
我们在一生经验中的任何时候,都不可以放弃那使我们有良好开端的帮助。我们需要早雨所带来的福气,直到末了。但是单有这些还不够。我们珍惜早雨的福气,但另一方面,我们也不可忘记:如果没有晚雨使麦穗饱满和成熟,收割之日就不能来到,撒种之人的心血就会白费了。在开始的时候,需要上帝的恩典,在前进的每一步中,也需要上帝的恩典。唯有上帝的恩典才能完成这项工作。{YRP 306.1}[2]
At no point in our experience can we dispense with the assistance of that which enables us to make the first start. The blessings received under the former rain are needful to us to the end. Yet these alone will not suffice. While we cherish the blessing of the early rain, we must not, on the other hand, lose sight of the fact that without the latter rain, to fill out the ears and ripen the grain, the harvest will not be ready for the sickle, and the labor of the sower will have been in vain. Divine grace is needed at the beginning, divine grace at every step of advance, and divine grace alone can complete the work.{YRP 306.2}[2]
我们在任何时候都不可以抱着漫不经心的态度。我们永不可忘记基督的警告:“总要警醒祷告,”“时时警醒,常常祈求”(太26:41;路21:36)。每时每刻与神圣的媒介保持联络,是我们的进步所必不可少的。我们可能在一定的程度上有上帝之灵的同在。但我们要藉着祷告和信心,继续寻求更多的圣灵。我们绝不可停止我们的努力。如果我们没有进步,或不抱有领受早雨和晚雨的态度,我们就会丧失灵魂。这个责任将由我们自己来负责。{YRP 306.2}[3]
There is no place for us to rest in a careless attitude. We must never forget the warnings of Christ, “Watch unto prayer,” “Watch ... and pray always” (Luke 21:36). A connection with the divine agency every moment is essential to our progress. We may have had a measure of the Spirit of God, but by prayer and faith we are continually to seek more of the Spirit. It will never do to cease our efforts. If we do not progress, if we do not place ourselves in an attitude to receive both the former and the latter rain, we shall lose our souls, and the responsibility will lie at our own door.{YRP 306.3}[3]
“当春雨的时候,你们要向发闪电的耶和华求雨”(亚10:1)。不要满足于指望按季节的常规降雨。要为雨祈求。种子的生长与成熟,不是依靠农夫。上帝可以单独使庄稼成熟。但人却必须合作。上帝所交待我们的工作,需要我们内心的行动、信心的运用。我们若要恩典的甘雨临到,就必须一心一意寻求祂的恩宠。{YRP 306.4}[4]
“Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain” (Zechariah 10:1). Do not rest satisfied that in the ordinary course of the season, rain will fall. Ask for it. The growth and perfection of the seed rests not with the husbandman. God alone can ripen the harvest. But man’s cooperation is required. God’s work for us demands the action of our mind, the exercise of our faith. We must seek His favors with the whole heart if the showers of grace are to come to us.{YRP 306.4}[4]
我们应该善用每一个机会置身于蒙福的通道中。基督说过:“无论在哪里,有两三个人奉我的名聚会,那里就有我在他们中间”(太18:20)。教会任何形式的聚会,例如帐棚大会,家庭教会的聚会,以及一切个人救灵之工的场合,都是上帝命定赐予早雨和晚雨的场所。(RH.1897.3.2){YRP 306.4}[5]
We should improve every opportunity of placing ourselves in the channel of blessing. Christ has said, “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst” (Matthew 18:20). The convocations of the church, as in camp meetings, the assemblies of the home church, and all occasions where there is personal labor for souls, are God’s appointed opportunities for giving the early and the latter rain.—The Review and Herald, March 2, 1897.{YRP 306.5}[5]
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