10月26日 扩大宣讲
More Preaching, October 26
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.1 Corinthians 2:13.{YRP 308.1}[1]
耶稣在离开祂的门徒升到天庭之前,应许赐下圣灵来鼓励他们。这个应许也是属于我们的,正如属于他们的一样,可是这个应许现今却很少向人提说,也很少在教会中谈论领受这个应许。{YRP 308.1}[2]
Just prior to His leaving His disciples for the heavenly courts, Jesus encouraged them with the promise of the Holy Spirit. This promise belongs as much to us as it did to them, and yet how rarely it is presented before the people, and its reception spoken of in the church.{YRP 308.2}[2]
由于很少提到这个极其重要的主题,我们对圣灵恩赐丰富应许的实际应验就知之甚少。其实这种恩赐会给我们一切的属灵工作带来效能。我们也许会偶然谈到圣灵的应许,但也只是随便说说而已。我们探讨预言,讲解要道,却在传道工作中大大忽略了对教会来说最重要的恩赐,这恩赐让信徒在属灵的力量和效能上长进,讲道带着说服力,从而使人悔改归向上帝。{YRP 308.2}[3]
In consequence of this silence upon this most important theme, what promise do we know less about by its practical fulfillment than this rich promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit, whereby efficiency is to be given to all our spiritual labor? The promise of the Holy Spirit is casually brought into our discourses, is incidentally touched upon, and that is all. Prophecies have been dwelt upon, doctrines have been expounded; but that which is essential to the church in order that they may grow in spiritual strength and efficiency, in order that the preaching may carry conviction with it, and souls be converted to God, has been largely left out of ministerial effort.{YRP 308.3}[3]
人们抛开了这个主题,似乎要到将来再去考虑。别的福分和特权一直向人提说,直到教会产生获得上帝所应许福分的愿望;但关于圣灵的印象似乎是这种恩赐不是给现在教会的,而是在将来的某个时候让教会领受的。{YRP 308.3}[4]
This subject has been set aside, as if some time in the future would be given to its consideration. Other blessings and privileges have been presented before the people until a desire has been awakened in the church for the attainment of the blessing promised of God; but the impression concerning the Holy Spirit has been that this gift is not for the church now, but that at some time in the future it would be necessary for the church to receive it.{YRP 308.4}[4]
这个所应许的福气,如果凭着信心祈求,就会带来其它所有的福分。这个福分原是要丰富地赐予上帝子民的。但因为仇敌的狡计,上帝的子民似乎不能领会和利用上帝的应许。……撒下真理圣洁种子的人,必喜获丰收。“那带种流泪出去的,必要欢欢乐乐地带禾捆回来”(诗126:6)。(TM 174,175){YRP 308.4}[5]
This promised blessing, if claimed by faith, would bring all other blessings in its train, and it is to be given liberally to the people of God. Through the cunning devices of the enemy the minds of God’s people seem to be incapable of comprehending and appropriating the promises of God.... A harvest of joy will be reaped by those who sow the holy seeds of truth. “He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him” (Psalm 126:6).—Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 174, 175.{YRP 308.5}[5]
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