12月28日 胜利的保证
Victory Assured, December 28
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.John 16:33.{YRP 371.1}[1]
在地上免不了有争战和试探;但在每一次风暴中我们都有一个可靠的避难所。耶稣告诉我们:“在世上你们有苦难;但你们可以放心,我已经胜了世界。”撒但的军队正对着我们列阵;我们必须对抗一个不知疲倦的敌人。但我们如果注意基督的警告,就能安然无恙。“总要警醒祷告,免得入了迷惑。你们心灵固然愿意,肉体却软弱了”(太26:41)。我们有敌人要抵抗和战胜,但耶稣在我们身边,随时赐我们力量应付每一次进攻。“使我们胜了世界的,就是我们的信心”(约壹5:4)。{YRP 371.1}[2]
While on earth there will be no escape from conflicts and temptations; but in every storm we have a sure refuge. Jesus has told us, “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” The forces of Satan are marshaled against us, and we have to meet a diligent foe; but if we take heed to the admonition of Christ, we shall be safe. “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation” (Matthew 26:41). There are foes to be resisted and overcome, but Jesus is by our side, ready to strengthen us for every attack. “This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4).{YRP 371.2}[2]
信心看见耶稣站在上帝的右边,作我们的中保。信心看见耶稣已去为爱祂的人所预备的住处。信心看见为得胜之人所预备的衣袍和冠冕。信心听见赎民的歌声,并带来永恒的荣耀。我们若要亲眼看见大君的荣美,就必须藉着爱的服从就近耶稣。{YRP 371.2}[3]
Faith sees Jesus standing as our mediator at the right hand of God. Faith beholds the mansions that Jesus has gone to prepare for those who love Him. Faith sees the robe and the crown all prepared for the overcomer. Faith hears the song of the redeemed, and brings eternal glories near. We must come close to Jesus in loving obedience if we would see the King in His beauty.{YRP 371.3}[3]
在信靠中有平安,在圣灵里有喜乐。要相信,要相信!我的心灵喊叫说,要相信!要在上帝里安息。祂能保守你所交付祂的。祂会使你藉着那位爱了你的主得胜有余。{YRP 371.3}[4]
There is peace in believing, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Believe! Believe! My soul cries, Believe! Rest in God. He is able to keep that which you have committed to Him, and will bring you off more than conqueror through Him that has loved you.{YRP 371.4}[4]
然而要记住,每一个穿上礼服的人都将是从大患难中出来的。试探的狂澜将冲击所有的人。但漫漫长夜的警醒、辛劳和艰难即将过去了。基督快要来了。要作好准备!上帝的天使正在试图吸引你转离自己和世界上的事。不要让他们徒然劳苦。信心,活泼的信心才是你所需要的;就是生发仁爱并且洁净心灵的信心。要牢记髑髅地和那为人类所献上的可畏的无限的牺牲。此时此刻耶稣邀请你照着自己目前的状况来就近祂,使祂成为你的力量和永远的朋友。(RH.1894.4.17){YRP 371.4}[5]
But remember that everyone who shall be found with the wedding garment on will have come out of great tribulation. The mighty surges of temptation will beat upon all. But the long night of watching, of toil, of hardship, is nearly past. Christ is soon to come. Get ready! The angels of God are seeking to attract you from yourself and from earthly things. Let them not labor in vain. Faith, living faith, is what you need; the faith that works by love and purifies the soul. Remember Calvary and the awful, the infinite sacrifice there made for man. Jesus now invites you to come to Him, just as you are, and make Him your strength and your everlasting friend.—The Review and Herald, April 17, 1894.{YRP 371.5}[5]
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