12月29日 胜利的教会
The Church Triumphant, December 29
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.Revelation 1:7, 8.{YRP 372.1}[1]
上帝的方法就是使小小开端的日子成为真理和公义之胜利的开始。因此,起初的兴旺不用洋洋得意,外表的衰弱也不用灰心胆怯。上帝是祂子民的富足、丰盛和能力。祂的旨意是要让祂的选民犹如永久的高山坚定不移。{YRP 372.1}[2]
God’s way is to make the day of small things the beginning of the triumph of truth and righteousness. For this reason none need be elated by a prosperous beginning, nor cast down by apparent feebleness. God is to His people riches, fullness, and power. His purposes for His chosen people are, like the eternal hills, firm and immovable.{YRP 372.2}[2]
要记住世人既没有力量建立上帝的教会,也没有能力摧毁它。圣灵世世代代是涌流不息的生命泉源。……凡努力依法行事,完全遵行上帝律法的人,必获得胜利。他们将战胜一切反对的势力。他们在仇敌面前推进上帝的圣工时,必获得圣天使的保护。{YRP 372.2}[3]
Remember that human might did not establish the church of God, neither can human might destroy it. From age to age the Holy Spirit is an overflowing fountain of life.... There is victory for all who strive lawfully, in perfect harmony with the law of God. They will triumph over all opposition. As they carry forward God’s work in the face of all foes, they will be given the guardianship of holy angels.{YRP 372.3}[3]
凡加入祂的队伍、与祂合作迎战看得见和看不见之敌人的人,基督保证给予帮助。祂应许他们与祂同作后嗣,承继永不朽坏的产业,在上帝的面前作君王与祭司,施行统治。那些愿意在今生与救主分担羞辱的人,必分享祂的荣耀。那些选择与主的子民同受苦难,不愿享受短暂罪中之乐的人,将与基督同坐宝座。{YRP 372.3}[4]
Christ has pledged Himself to help all who join His army, to cooperate with Him in fighting against visible and invisible foes. He has promised that they shall be joint heirs with Him to an immortal inheritance, that they shall reign as kings and priests before God. Those who are willing to share in this life the humiliation of the Saviour will share with Him in His glory. Those who choose to suffer affliction with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season will be given a place with Christ on His throne.{YRP 372.4}[4]
要紧握生命之道。反对的风暴将发泄完它的烈怒。喧嚣之声将要平息。要勇敢而愉快地推进上帝的圣工。那位以最慈爱的关怀照顾祂子民的天父,必赐福奉祂的名而作的努力。祂的工作绝不停止,直到它在胜利的欢呼中完成:“愿恩惠恩惠归与这殿”(亚4:7)!(ST.1900.11.14){YRP 372.4}[5]
Hold fast the Word of life. The tempest of opposition will spend itself by its own fury. The clamor will die away. Carry forward the Master’s work bravely and cheerfully. The Father above, who watches over His chosen ones with the tenderest solicitude, will bless the efforts made in His name. His work will never cease until its completion amid the triumphant shout, “Grace, grace unto it.”—The Signs of the Times, November 14, 1900.{YRP 372.5}[5]
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