2月6日 枯骨复活
Dry Bones Vivified, February 6
And [I] shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the Lord have spoken it, and performed it, saith the Lord.Ezekiel 37:14.{YRP 45.1}[1]
人无法提供生命的气息,以色列的耶和华上帝却能做到。衪能使无生机的属灵性能活跃起来。万军之耶和华的气息要进入无生命的身体。在审判的时候,一切秘密都要公开,我们就会明白上帝曾通过人类说话,唤醒无知觉的天良、激活无生命的机能、感动罪人痛心悔改,放弃罪恶。那时才会清楚地看到对耶稣基督的信仰藉着人而分给人,从天而来的属灵生命吹到死在罪恶过犯中的人身上,他的属灵生命就被唤醒了。{YRP 45.1}[2]
It is not the human agent that is to inspire with life. The Lord God of Israel will do that part, quickening the lifeless spiritual nature into activity. The breath of the Lord of hosts must enter into the lifeless bodies. In the judgment, when all secrets are laid bare, it will be known that the voice of God spoke through the human agent, and aroused the torpid conscience, and stirred the lifeless faculties, and moved sinners to repentance and contrition, and forsaking of sins. It will then be clearly seen that through the human agent faith in Jesus Christ was imparted to the soul, and spiritual life from heaven was breathed upon one who was dead in trespasses and sins, and he was quickened with spiritual life.{YRP 45.2}[2]
这个枯骨的比喻不仅适用于世人,也适用于已蒙福得到大光的人。因为他们也是象平原中的枯骨。他们有人的形体和骨架,但没有属灵的生命。这比喻并不只是将枯骨连成人形。因为单有四肢和外貌的匀称还是不够的。还必须有生命的气息激活肌体,使他们站起来活动。这些枯骨代表上帝的教会以色列家。教会的希望在于圣灵赐生命的感化力。上帝必须吹气在枯骨上,使他们活起来。{YRP 45.2}[3]
But not only does this simile of the dry bones apply to the world, but also to those who have been blessed with great light; for they also are like the skeletons of the valley. They have the form of men, the framework of the body; but they have not spiritual life. But the parable does not leave the dry bones merely knit together into the forms of men; for it is not enough that there is symmetry of limb and feature. The breath of life must vivify the bodies, that they may stand upright, and spring into activity. These bones represent the house of Israel, the church of God, and the hope of the church is the vivifying influence of the Holy Spirit. The Lord must breathe upon the dry bones, that they may live.{YRP 45.3}[3]
上帝的灵必须带着激活生命的能力住在每一个人心中,调动人的每一个属灵肌腱。没有圣灵,没有上帝的气息,良心就会麻木,属灵的生命就会失去。许多没有属灵生命的人,名字虽然登记在教会的名册里,却没有记在羔羊的生命册中。他们可能参加了教会,却与上帝没有联系。他们可能殷勤地履行某些义务,被当作活的,可是他们中有许多人“按名是活的,其实是死的”(启3:1)。(4BC.1165.1166){YRP 45.3}[4]
The Spirit of God, with its vivifying power, must be in every human agent, that every spiritual muscle and sinew may be in exercise. Without the Holy Spirit, without the breath of God, there is torpidity of conscience, loss of spiritual life. Many who are without spiritual life have their names on the church records, but they are not written in the Lamb’s book of life. They may be joined to the church, but they are not united to the Lord. They may be diligent in the performance of a certain set of duties, and may be regarded as living men; but many are among those who have “a name that thou livest, and art dead” (Revelation 3:1).—The SDA Bible Commentary, Ellen G. White Comments, vol. 4, 1165, 1166.{YRP 45.4}[4]
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