2月10日 嘴唇得洁净
Lips Are Sanctified, February 10
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7.{YRP 49.1}[1]
借着天上的恩赐,上帝已经为祂的子民做了充分的准备。世上的父亲无法给儿女成圣的品格,也不能把自己的品格转移到子女身上。只有上帝能改变我们。基督曾对祂的门徒吹了一口气,说:“你们受圣灵”(约20:22)。这是天上伟大的恩赐。基督借着圣灵将祂自己的圣洁分给门徒。祂把自己的能力赐给他们,使他们能争取人接受福音。从此以后,基督要借着他们的才干生活,借着他们的口说话。他们有权知道。今后祂与他们是成为一体的了。他们必须坚持祂的原则,接受祂圣灵的管束,不再随从自己的道路,说自己的话。他们所说的话,必须源于一颗成圣的心,一张成圣的嘴。他们不再过自私的生活,因为基督住在他们心中,借着他们的口说话。祂要将祂曾与父同享的荣耀赐给他们,使祂与他们在上帝里面合而为一。{YRP 49.1}[2]
By His heavenly gifts the Lord has made ample provision for His people. An earthly parent cannot give his child a sanctified character. He cannot transfer his character to his child. God alone can transform us. Christ breathed on His disciples, and said, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost” (John 20:22). This is the great gift of heaven. Christ imparted to them through the Spirit His own sanctification. He imbued them with His power, that they might win souls to the gospel. Henceforth Christ would live through their faculties, and speak through their words. They were privileged to know that hereafter He and they were to be one. They must cherish His principles and be controlled by His Spirit. They were no longer to follow their own way, to speak their own words. The words they spoke were to proceed from a sanctified heart, and fall from sanctified lips. No longer were they to live their own selfish life; Christ was to live in them and speak through them. He would give to them the glory that He had with the Father, that He and they might be one in God.{YRP 49.2}[2]
主耶稣是我们的大祭司,我们在天庭的中保。我们作为祂的敬拜者所处的严肃地位没有得到赏识。为了我们现在和永恒的利益,我们需要明白这种关系。我们若是祂的儿女,就联结在基督徒兄弟之爱中,彼此相爱,象祂爱了我们一样,联合在那些在羔羊的血里洗净之人的神圣关系中。我们既在上帝里面与基督联合,就要相爱如弟兄。{YRP 49.2}[3]
The Lord Jesus is our great high priest, our advocate in the courts of heaven. The solemn position in which we stand to Him as worshipers is not appreciated. For our present and eternal good we need to understand this relation. If we are His children we are bound together in the bonds of Christian brotherhood, loving one another as He has loved us, united in the sacred relation of those washed in the blood of the Lamb. Bound up with Christ in God, we are to love as brethren.{YRP 49.3}[3]
感谢上帝,我们有一位大祭司,就是上帝的儿子耶稣,祂已进入诸天。基督并非进了人手所造的圣所,而是进了天堂,如今为我们显在上帝面前。藉着祂自己血的功劳,祂只一次进入圣所,为我们成就了永远的救赎。(GCB.1899.10.1){YRP 49.3}[4]
Thank God that we have a great High Priest, who has passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God. Christ has not entered into the holy place made with hands, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us. By virtue of His own blood He entered in once for all into the holy place above, having obtained eternal redemption for us.—General Conference Bulletin, October 1, 1899, fourth quarter 1899.{YRP 49.4}[4]
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