3月3日 爱
Love, March 3
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.1 John 3:1.{YRP 71.1}[1]
约翰说:“你看,父赐给我们是何等的慈爱,使我们得称为上帝的儿女。”语言无法表达这种慈爱;我们只能略微描绘那种超越了知识的爱。需要用无穷者的言语才能表达那种使我们得称为上帝儿女的爱。人成为基督徒并不是拾级而下。与永生的上帝联络并不使人羞愧。{YRP 71.1}[2]
John says, “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.” No language can express this love; we can describe but a faint degree of love that passeth knowledge. It would require the language of the Infinite to express the love that has made it possible for us to be called the sons of God. In becoming a Christian, a man does not step down. There is no shame in having connection with the living God.{YRP 71.2}[2]
耶稣忍受了原属于罪人屈辱、羞耻和责备。祂原是天上的大君,荣耀的王,本与天父同等;可是祂却用人性披覆了自己的神性,以便用人性接触人性,用神性把握神性。祂要是以天使的身份降临,就不能与我们的苦难有分,不能在凡事上受试探与我们一样,不能体恤我们的悲伤;但祂却披着我们人性的外衣降临,以便作为我们的替身和中保,可以为我们战胜黑暗之君,使我们藉着祂的功劳成为得胜者。{YRP 71.2}[3]
Jesus bore the humiliation and shame and reproach that justly belonged to the sinner. He was the Majesty of heaven, He was the King of glory, He was equal with the Father; and yet He clothed His divinity with humanity, that humanity might touch humanity, that divinity might lay hold of divinity. Had He come as an angel, He could not have been a partaker with us of our sufferings, could not have been tempted in all points like as we are, He could not have sympathized with our sorrows; but He came in the garb of our humanity, that as our substitute and surety, He might overcome the prince of darkness in our behalf, and make us victors through His merits.{YRP 71.3}[3]
在髑髅地十字架的阴影下,祂爱的启示充满我们的心。当我仰望我的罪所扎伤的祂,从高处来的灵感便临到我身上;而且这种灵感可以藉着圣灵临到你们每一个人身上。你们若不领受圣灵,心灵中就无法拥有上帝的爱;然而藉着与基督活泼的联络,我们就被爱心、热心和诚恳所激励。{YRP 71.3}[4]
[As we stand] under the shadow of the cross of Calvary, the inspiration of His love fills our hearts. When I look upon Him whom my sins have pierced, the inspiration from on high comes upon me; and this inspiration may come upon each one of you through the Holy Spirit. Unless you receive the Holy Spirit, you cannot have the love of God in the soul; but through a living connection with Christ, we are inspired with love and zeal and earnestness.{YRP 71.4}[4]
我们并不象一块可以反射阳光却无法充满生命的大理石。我们能响应公义日头的明亮光束;因为当基督光照我们的心灵时,祂就赐与亮光和生命。我们就饮于基督的爱,就象枝子从葡萄树汲取营养。我们若被嫁接到基督里,我们若与那活葡萄树脉络相连,就会结出丰硕的果子来证明这个事实。(RH.1892.9.27){YRP 71.4}[5]
We are not as a block of marble, which may reflect the light of the sun, but cannot be imbued with life. We are capable of responding to the bright beams of the Sun of righteousness; for as Christ illuminates our souls, He gives light and life. We drink in the love of Christ as the branch draws nourishment from the vine. If we are grafted into Christ, if fiber by fiber we have been united with the living Vine, we shall give evidence of this fact by bearing rich clusters of fruit.—The Review and Herald, September 27, 1892.{YRP 71.5}[5]
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