3月18日 团结
Unity, March 18
Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.John 17:20, 21.{YRP 86.1}[1]
各种性格不同的人能够团结一致,和好相处,这实在是最坚强有力的见证,足以证明上帝曾经差派衪的儿子到世界上来拯救罪人。作这样的见证,乃是我们的特权。不过要作这种见证,就必须置身于基督的麾下。我们的品格必须依照衪的品格而陶冶,我们的意志必须降服于衪的旨意之下;于是,才能共同工作,而毫无冲突的挂虑了。{YRP 86.1}[2]
Harmony and union existing among men of varied dispositions is the strongest witness that can be borne that God has sent His Son into the world to save sinners. It is our privilege to bear this witness. But, in order to do this, we must place ourselves under Christ’s command. Our characters must be molded in harmony with His character, our wills must be surrendered to His will. Then we shall work together without a thought of collision.{YRP 86.2}[2]
注重于少许的歧见,适足以引起破坏基督徒交谊的行动。但愿我们不容仇敌这样占了上风。我们当更加亲近上帝,也当彼此亲近。这样,我们就必如耶和华所栽的公义树,得蒙生命水的浇灌,并要结出何其多的果子啊!基督不是说过:“你们多结果子,我父就因此得荣耀”吗(约15:8)?{YRP 86.2}[3]
Little differences dwelt upon lead to actions that destroy Christian fellowship. Let us not allow the enemy thus to gain the advantage over us. Let us keep drawing nearer to God and to one another. Then we shall be as trees of righteousness, planted by the Lord, and watered by the river of life. And how fruitful we shall be! Did not Christ say: “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit” (John 15:8)?{YRP 86.3}[3]
救主的心切望跟从衪的人成全上帝高远深厚的旨意。他们纵使散居世界各处,仍要在衪里面合而为一。然而除非他们愿意放弃自己的路,遵行衪的道,则上帝也不能使他们在基督里合而为一。{YRP 86.3}[4]
The heart of the Saviour is set upon His followers’ fulfilling God’s purpose in all its height and depth. They are to be one in Him, even though they are scattered the world over. But God cannot make them one in Christ unless they are willing to give up their own way for His way.{YRP 86.4}[4]
一旦上帝的百姓完全信从基督的祷告,并将其教训在日常生活中实行出来,则行动的一致必见诸我们各行列之中,而弟兄与弟兄也必用基督之爱的金带联系在一起了,这种合一的情形只有圣灵才可以促成。那位使自己成圣的主也能使衪的门徒成圣。他们若与衪联合,就必在至圣的真道上彼此合而为一。何时我们肯按照上帝所切望我们努力追求的去致力于这种团结,那么这种团结必可实现。(8T.242,243){YRP 86.4}[5]
When Christ’s prayer is fully believed, when its instruction is brought into the daily life of God’s people, unity of action will be seen in our ranks. Brother will be bound to brother by the golden bonds of the love of Christ. The Spirit of God alone can bring about this oneness. He who sanctified Himself can sanctify His disciples. United with Him, they will be united with one another in the most holy faith. When we strive for this unity as God desires us to strive for it, it will come to us.—Testimonies for the Church 8:242, 243.{YRP 86.5}[5]
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