4月10日 对撒但产生敌意
Creates Hatred for Satan, April 10
“不可给魔鬼留地步”(弗4:27)。{AG 108.1}[1]
Give no opportunity to the devil.Ephesians 4:27, R.S.V.{AG 108.1}[1]
撒但对人类的仇恨象火一样的燃烧起来了,因为他们藉着基督而成了上帝慈爱和怜悯的对象。他企图破坏上帝为人类所设立的救赎计划,又藉着毁损并污秽祂所造的人来侮辱祂。他要使天庭忧愁,使全地充满祸患与荒凉,然后声称这一切都是上帝造人的结果。{AG 108.2}[2]
Satan’s enmity against the human race is kindled because, through Christ, they are the objects of God’s love and mercy. He desires to thwart the divine plan for man’s redemption, to cast dishonor upon God, by defacing and defiling His handiwork; he would cause grief in heaven and fill the earth with woe and desolation. And he points to all his evil as the result of God’s work in creating man.{AG 108.2}[2]
那在人类心中引起仇恨撒但之意的,乃是基督的恩典。若没有这改变人心的恩典和更新的力量,人将继续作撒但的俘虏,作他顺命的仆人。可是这种新的原动力要在本来与罪恶和睦相处的心中引起斗争。基督所赐的力量,使人有能力抵抗那暴君和篡夺者。什么人若是不但不喜爱罪恶,反倒憎恨罪恶,什么人若能抵抗并克服那些辖制他内心的邪情恶欲,他就此显明有那完全由上面而来的原则在他心中运行。{GC 506}{AG 108.3}[3]
It is the grace that Christ implants in the soul which creates in man enmity against Satan. Without this converting grace and renewing power, man would continue the captive of Satan, a servant ever ready to do his bidding. But the new principle in the soul creates conflict where hitherto had been peace. The power which Christ imparts, enables man to resist the tyrant and usurper. Whoever is seen to abhor sin instead of loving it, whoever resists and conquers those passions that have held sway within, displays the operation of a principle wholly from above.28{AG 108.3}[3]
撒但现在正像一只吼叫的狮子,寻找可吞吃的人。他在每一轻信的青年身上施行他的诡计;只有在基督里才能获致安全。惟有靠着基督的恩典才能抵拒撒但的试探。撒但告诉青年,时间还多得是,你们可以再放纵一次罪恶,下次决不再犯了。但是那一次放纵就会毒害他们的整个生命。一次也不要冒险踏入禁地。在这危险邪恶的世代,到处都充满了使人腐败和堕落的诱惑,愿青年怀着最恳切的心情呼求上天:“少年人用什么洁净他的行为呢”(诗119:9)?愿他的耳朵打开,愿他的心愿意顺从这个答案中的教导:“是要遵行祢的话。”青年在这个污秽的世代中的唯一保障,就是使上帝成为他们所倚靠的。他们若没有上帝的帮助,就不会有能力控制人性的情欲和食欲。在基督里才有所需要的帮助。……你可以和使徒一同说:“然而,靠着爱我们的主,在这一切的事上已经得胜有余了”(罗8:37)。此外:“我是攻克己身,叫身服我”(林前9:27)。{2T.409}{AG 108.4}[4]
Like a roaring lion, Satan is seeking for his prey. He tries his wiles upon every unsuspecting youth; there is safety only in Christ. It is through His grace alone that Satan can be successfully repulsed. Satan tells the young that there is time enough yet, that they may indulge in sin and vice this once and never again; but that one indulgence will poison their whole life. Do not once venture on forbidden ground. In this perilous day of evil, when allurements to vice and corruption are on every hand, let the earnest, heartfelt cry of the young be raised to heaven: “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?” And may his ears be open and his heart inclined to obey the instruction given in the answer: “By taking heed thereto according to thy word” (Psalm 119:9). The only safety for the youth in this age of pollution is to make God their trust. Without divine help they will be unable to control human passions and appetites. In Christ is the very help needed.... You can say with the apostle: “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us” (Romans 8:37). Again; “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection” (1 Corinthians 9:27).29{AG 108.4}[4]
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