4月13日 使我们成为胜利者
That We Might Be Overcomers, April 13
“弟兄胜过他,是因羔羊的血,和自己所见证的道”(启12:11)。{AG 111.1}[1]
They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.Revelation 12:11.{AG 111.1}[1]
基督使每一个人都能抵挡试探。凡愿敬虔度日的人,都可藉着羔羊的血和自己所见证的道,胜过试探象基督胜过了试探一样。{MM 264}{AG 111.2}[2]
Christ has made it possible for every member of the human family to resist temptation. All who would live godly lives may overcome as Christ overcame.37{AG 111.2}[2]
为了获得上帝的恩典,我们必须履行自己的本分。上帝并不想代替我们立志行事。祂赐下恩典在我们心中运行,帮助我们立志行事,但祂从来不取代我们的努力。我们的心灵应当唤醒与祂合作。圣灵在我们里面运行,使我们能作成自己得救的工夫。……出色的智力和高尚的品格不是偶然产生的。上帝赐下机会,而成功则有赖乎善用这些机会。要善于发现并积极利用上帝所提供的机遇。有许多人若能象但以理那样,愿意依赖上帝赐恩典战胜困难,祈求作工的力量和效能,他们本来是可以成为伟人的。{MYP 147}{AG 111.3}[3]
To make God’s grace our own, we must act our part. The Lord does not propose to perform for us either the willing or the doing. His grace is given to work in us to will and to do, but never as a substitute for our effort. Our souls are to be aroused to cooperate. The Holy Spirit works in us, that we may work out our own salvation.... Fine mental qualities and a high tone of moral character are not the result of accident. God gives opportunities; success depends upon the use made of them. The openings of Providence must be quickly discerned and eagerly entered. There are many who might become mighty men, if, like Daniel, they would depend upon God for grace to be overcomers, and for strength and efficiency to do their work.38{AG 111.3}[3]
需要与上天保持活泼的联系,象但以理那样一天三次寻求上帝的恩典,抵挡食欲和情欲。与食欲和情欲作斗争若没有上帝的能力相助就不会取得成功。要以基督为你的堡垒,要在心里说:“靠着爱我们的主,在这一切的事上,已经得胜有余了”(罗8:37)。使徒保罗说:“我是攻克己身,叫身服我,恐怕我传福音给别人,自己反被弃绝了”(林前9:27)。{AG 111.4}[4]
It is necessary to maintain a living connection with heaven, seeking as often as did Daniel—three times a day—for divine grace to resist appetite and passion. Wrestling with appetite and passion unaided by divine power will be unsuccessful; but make Christ your stronghold, and the language of your soul will be, “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us” (Romans 8:37). Said the apostle Paul, “I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway” (1 Corinthians 9:27).{AG 111.4}[4]
任何人都不要以为没有上帝帮助仍能取得胜利。你必须有从里面的生命里生出来的精力、力量、能力。这样,你就能结出敬虔的果子,而深深厌恶罪恶。你需要不断努力摆脱世俗的思虑,庸俗的言谈和每一件属情欲的事。要追求高尚的心灵和纯洁无瑕的品格。你要保持纯洁的名誉,决不沾染一点虚伪和不义的事,你要为所有善良纯洁的人所尊重,你的名字要登记在羔羊的生命册上,得以永远列在圣洁的天使中间。{MM 144}{AG 111.5}[5]
Let no one think he can overcome without the help of God. You must have the energy, the strength, the power, of an inner life developed within you. You will then bear fruit unto godliness, and will have an intense loathing of vice. You need to constantly strive to work away from earthliness, from cheap conversation, from everything sensual, and aim for nobility of soul and a pure and unspotted character. Your name may be kept so pure that it cannot justly be connected with anything dishonest or unrighteous, but will be respected by all the good and pure, and it may be written in the Lamb’s book of life, to be immortalized among the holy angels.39{AG 111.5}[5]
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