5月18日 涉及品格的建造
Involves Character Building, May 18
“惟有你们是被拣选的族类,是有君尊的祭司,是圣洁的国度,是属上帝的子民,要叫你们宣扬那召你们出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德”(彼前2:9)。{AG 146.1}[1]
Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.1 Peter 2:9.{AG 146.1}[1]
顺从上帝的律法,会在人身上造就美好的品格,与纯洁,神圣,毫无玷污的质量水乳交融。这种人的生活,表达了基督福音的信息。凡接受基督恩慈和祂医治罪病之大能的人,就与上帝建立了正常的关系。他的生活清除了虚荣与自私,被上帝的爱所充满。他天天顺从上帝的律法,造就了保证他在上帝国中享受永生的品格。{SD 42}{AG 146.2}[2]
Obedience to the laws of God develops in man a beautiful character that is in harmony with all that is pure and holy and undefiled. In the life of such a man the message of the gospel of Christ is made clear. Accepting the mercy of Christ and His healing from the power of sin, he is brought into right relation with God. His life, cleansed from vanity and selfishness, is filled with the love of God. His daily obedience to the law of God obtains for him a character that assures him eternal life in the kingdom of God.55{AG 146.2}[2]
但基督并没有向我们保证说,获得完美的品格是一件容易的事。高尚完美的品格不是与生俱来的。也不是偶然得到的。高尚的品格是靠着基督的功劳与恩典,通过个人的努力而获得的。上帝赐给我们才能和智力,让我们来塑造品格。这种品格必须通过与自己进行不懈而坚决的斗争才能形成。我们必须同遗传的倾向作一次又一次的搏斗,必须严于自我批评,不可让一个不良的特性留着而不予纠正。{COL 331}{AG 146.3}[3]
But Christ has given us no assurance that to attain perfection of character is an easy matter. A noble, all-round character is not inherited. It does not come to us by accident. A noble character is earned by individual effort through the merits and grace of Christ. God gives the talents, the powers of the mind; we form the character. It is formed by hard, stern battles with self. Conflict after conflict must be waged against hereditary tendencies. We shall have to criticize ourselves closely, and allow not one unfavorable trait to remain uncorrected.56{AG 146.3}[3]
对于一个并没有藉高尚的属灵品格显示一种超乎世界所能给予的能力,发挥一种与真理本身神圣特殊的性质相称之影响力的人来说,真理并不是真理。因真理而成圣的人必对一切所接触的人发挥一种拯救的、充满活力的影响。这就是圣经的宗教。{TM 378}{AG 146.4}[4]
The truth is no truth to the one who does not reveal, by his elevated spiritual character, a power beyond that which the world can give, an influence corresponding in its sacred, peculiar character to the truth itself. He who is sanctified by the truth will exert a saving, vital influence upon all with whom he comes in contact. This is Bible religion.57{AG 146.4}[4]
我们需要不断得到基督的新启示,和与衪的教训相符合的日常经验。高尚圣洁的造诣是我们可以达到的。上帝的旨意是要我们在知识和德行上不断地进步。衪的律法是衪声音的回响。衪对众人的邀请是:“向高处行;要成为圣洁,更加圣洁。”我们每天都可以在完善基督徒品格方面有长进。{MH 503}{AG 146.5}[5]
We need constantly a fresh revelation of Christ, a daily experience that harmonizes with His teachings. High and holy attainments are within our reach. Continual progress in knowledge and virtue is God’s purpose for us. His law is the echo of His own voice, giving to all the invitation, “Come up higher. Be holy, holier still.” Every day we may advance in perfection of Christian character.58{AG 146.5}[5]
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