5月26日 基督担任中保
Christ the Mediator, May 26
“因为基督并不是进了人手所造的圣所(这不过是真圣所的影像),乃是进了天堂,如今为我们显在上帝面前”(来9:24)。{AG 154.1}[1]
For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us.Hebrews 9:24.{AG 154.1}[1]
亚当和夏娃的罪使人与上帝之间产生了可怕的隔绝。基督则走进堕落的人类和上帝中间,对人说:“你还可以重新回到天父那里;有一个计划可使人类与上帝和好。藉着一位中保,你可以接近上帝。”而今祂正站着为你作中保。祂是那位伟大的大祭司,正在为你代求。你可以前来将你的事情通过耶稣基督呈给天父。这样你就能接近上帝。{2T.591}{AG 154.2}[2]
The sin of Adam and Eve caused a fearful separation between God and man. And Christ steps in between fallen man and God, and says to man: “You may yet come to the Father; there is a plan devised through which God can be reconciled to man, and man to God; through a mediator you can approach God.” And now He stands to mediate for you. He is the great High Priest who is pleading in your behalf; and you are to come and present your case to the Father through Jesus Christ. Thus you can find access to God.76{AG 154.2}[2]
基督耶稣一直站在祭坛旁边,随时为世人的罪呈上牺牲。祂在上帝所支搭的真帐幕里任职,这帐幕不是人手所支搭的。犹太人帐幕的预表意义不再有效。每日每年预表性的赎罪仪式也不再举行了。但因为人不断地犯罪,就需要一位中保的赎罪牺牲。耶稣在上帝面前履行职责,作为被宰杀的羔羊,献上自己所流的血。……{AG 154.3}[3]
Christ Jesus is represented as continually standing at the altar, momentarily offering up the sacrifice for the sins of the world. He is a minister of the true tabernacle which the Lord pitched and not man. The typical shadows of the Jewish tabernacle no longer possess any virtue. A daily and yearly typical atonement is no longer to be made, but the atoning sacrifice through a mediator is essential because of the constant commission of sin. Jesus is officiating in the presence of God, offering up His shed blood, as it had been a lamb slain....{AG 154.3}[3]
真信徒的宗教礼拜、祈祷、赞美、悔改和认罪如香升到天上的圣所:但这些在经过人类败坏的通道时受到了玷污,若不藉着宝血的洁净,它们在上帝面前就毫无价值。……从地上帐幕上升的香必须与基督洁净人的宝血混合起来。祂在天父面前举起自己功劳的香炉,里面不含任何地上的败坏。祂将祂子民的祈祷、赞美和认罪都收集在这个香炉里,然后再掺入自己毫无暇疵的公义。这香调和着基督赎罪的功劳,升到上帝面前,得到完全的悦纳。……{AG 154.4}[4]
The religious services, the prayers, the praise, the penitent confession of sin, ascend from true believers as incense to the heavenly sanctuary: but passing through the corrupt channels of humanity, they are so defiled that unless purified by blood, they can never be of value with God.... All incense from earthly tabernacles must be moist with the cleansing drops of the blood of Christ. He holds before the Father the censer of His own merits, in which there is no taint of earthly corruption. He gathers into this censer the prayers, the praise, and the confessions of His people, and with these He puts His own spotless righteousness. Then, perfumed with the merits of Christ’s propitiation, the incense comes up before God wholly and entirely acceptable....{AG 154.4}[4]
愿人人都能看到,所有的顺从、悔改、赞美与感恩都必须被放在基督公义的火中燃烧。{6BC1077-1078}{AG 154.5}[5]
O, that all may see that everything in obedience, in penitence, in praise and thanksgiving must be placed upon the glowing fire of the righteousness of Christ.77{AG 154.5}[5]
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