5月31日 圣约的记号
The Symbol of the Covenant, May 31
“上帝说:我与你们,并你们这里的各样活物所立的永约,是有记号的。我把虹放在云彩中,这就可作我与地立约的记号了”(创9:12-13)。{AG 159.1}[1]
And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.Genesis 9:12, 13.{AG 159.1}[1]
上帝这样将美艳缤纷的虹放在云彩中,作为伟大真神与世人立约的记号,祂对于犯错的人类是何等的慈怜啊!……祂的旨意乃是要后世子孙看到云彩中的虹时,……他们的父母便可向他们解说上古世界因人们放纵各种罪恶而被洪水毁灭的事,并说明至高者的手曾将虹张开放在云彩中,作为祂绝不再使洪水泛滥全地的记号。这道在云彩中的记号,乃是要坚定众人的信心,使他们建立对上帝的信任,因为它乃是表明上帝向人类所施怜爱与良善的标记。……{AG 159.2}[2]
What compassion for erring man, to place the beautiful, variegated rainbow in the clouds, a token of the covenant of the great God with man! ... It was His design that as the children of after generations should see the bow in the cloud, ... their parents could explain to them the destruction of the old world by a flood, because the people gave themselves up to all manner of wickedness, and that the hands of the Most High had bended the bow, and placed it in the clouds, as a token that He would never bring again a flood of waters on the earth. This symbol in the clouds was to confirm the belief of all, and establish their confidence in God, for it was a token of divine mercy and goodness to man....{AG 159.2}[2]
圣经描述在天上有一道虹围绕着宝座,基督的头上也有虹,象征上帝的慈怜环绕着地球。人因自己的大恶惹动上帝的忿怒时,人类的代求者基督便为人辩护,并且指着云中的虹作为上帝对犯错之人有大慈怜的证据。{3SG 74,75}{AG 159.3}[3]
A rainbow is represented in Heaven round about the throne, also above the head of Christ, as a symbol of God’s mercy encompassing the earth. When man by his great wickedness provokes the wrath of God, Christ, man’s intercessor, pleads for him, and points to the rainbow in the cloud, as evidence of God’s great mercy and compassion for erring man.89{AG 159.3}[3]
天使看着这个表明上帝爱人的宝贵记号,十分高兴。世界的救赎主看着它;因为这个彩虹之所以出现在天上,作为赐给人类应许的记号和约,乃是藉着祂的工作。上帝自己看着这虹,就会想起祂与人类所立的永约。……当我们凝神这美丽的景象时,我们可以在上帝里喜乐,确知祂也在看着这个祂圣约的记号。当祂看着彩虹时,就会想起地上的儿女。祂曾把彩虹赐给他们。他们的痛苦、危险和试炼祂都看见了。我们可以在希望中快乐。因为在我们上方有上帝圣约的虹。祂决不会忘记所看顾的儿女。{1BC1091}{AG 159.4}[4]
Angels rejoice as they gaze upon this precious token of God’s love to man. The world’s Redeemer looks upon it; for it was through His instrumentality that this bow was made to appear in the heavens, as a token or covenant of promise to man. God Himself looks upon the bow in the clouds, and remembers His everlasting covenant between Himself and man.... As we gaze upon the beautiful sight, we may be joyful in God, assured that He Himself is looking upon this token of His covenant, and that as He looks upon it He remembers the children of earth, to whom it was given. Their afflictions, perils, and trials are not hidden from Him. We may rejoice in hope, for the bow of God’s covenant is over us. He never will forget the children of His care.90{AG 159.4}[4]
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