6月7日 极度痛苦的祈祷
Agonizing Prayer, June 7
“基督在肉体的时候,既大声哀哭,流泪祷告,恳求那能救祂免死的主”(来5:7)。{AG 166.1}[1]
Who in the days of his flesh ... offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death.Hebrews 5:7.{AG 166.1}[1]
亲爱的青年人哪,当你们祈祷,以免陷入试探之时,须记得,你们的工作不单是作了祷告就完事了。你们应当尽自己一切所能的,坚拒试探,实现自己的祷告,然后再把自己所不能作到的,交给耶稣去替你们作。……{AG 166.2}[2]
While you pray, dear youth, that you may not be led into temptation, remember that your work does not end with the prayer. You must then answer your own prayer as far as possible by resisting temptation, and leave that which you cannot do for yourselves for Jesus to do for you....{AG 166.2}[2]
我想提醒那些打扮自己……的青年,正是因为他们的罪,我们的救主头上才戴上了可耻的荆棘冠。当你花费宝贵的光阴装饰点缀自己的衣服时,你应当想到荣耀之君穿着朴素无缝的衣服。你们这些因为打扮自己而感到疲惫的人请牢记,耶稣常因不断的辛劳、舍己和自我牺牲以祝福受苦的人和贫穷的人而疲惫。祂花整夜的时间在僻静的山上祈祷,并不是因为祂的软弱和需要,而是因为祂看出并感受到你本性中的软弱,要在你现在被战胜的各点上抵抗仇敌的试探。祂晓得你会对自己的危险毫不在意,也不觉得自己需要祈祷。正是为了我们的缘故,祂才向天父大声哀哭,流泪祈求。正是为了救我们脱离我们现在所放纵的,把爱耶稣的心挤出去的骄傲和爱慕虚荣宴乐的心,祂才流泪祈求。……{AG 166.3}[3]
I would remind the youth who ornament their persons ... that, because of their sins, the Saviour’s head wore the shameful crown of thorns. When you devote precious time to trimming your apparel, remember that the King of glory wore a plain, seamless coat. You who weary yourselves in decorating your persons, please bear in mind that Jesus was often weary from incessant toil and self-denial and self-sacrifice to bless the suffering and needy. He spent whole nights in prayer upon the lonely mountains, not because of His weakness and His necessities, but because He saw, He felt, the weakness of your natures to resist the temptations of the enemy upon the very points where you are now overcome. He knew that you would be indifferent in regard to your dangers and would not feel your need of prayer. It was on our account that He poured out His prayers to His Father with strong cries and tears. It was to save us from the very pride and love of vanity and pleasure which we now indulge, and which crowds out the love of Jesus, that those tears were shed....{AG 166.3}[3]
年轻朋友们啊,你们愿意兴起,摆脱这使你们效法世界的可怕的漠不关心与麻木不仁吗?你们愿意听从那警告你们的声音说:凡在这危急时刻却安逸自在之人,灭亡正等着他们吗?{3T 378-380}{AG 166.4}[4]
Will you, young friends, arise and shake off this dreadful indifference and stupor which has conformed you to the world? Will you heed the voice of warning which tells you that destruction lies in the path of those who are at ease in this hour of danger??14{AG 166.4}[4]
我们许多青年人对于那发给他们的警告和责备粗心不顾,以致为撒但大开方便之门。我们既有圣经为南针,又有耶稣为我们的天庭教师,就不必茫然不知上帝的要求,或不察撒但的诡计而被其试探所胜。我们若顺从圣灵,完全听其指引,就不至于以顺从上帝的旨意为苦役了。{3T 378}{AG 166.5}[5]
Many of our youth, by their careless disregard of the warnings and reproofs given them, open the door wide for Satan to enter. With God’s word for our guide and Jesus as our heavenly Teacher we need not be ignorant of His requirements or of Satan’s devices.... It will be no unpleasant task to be obedient to the will of God when we yield ourselves fully to be directed by His Spirit.15{AG 166.5}[5]
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