6月29日 “何等的慈爱”
“Behold, What Manner of Love” June 29
“你看父赐给我们是何等的慈爱,使我们得称为上帝的儿女”(约壹3:1)。{AG 188.1}[1]
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.1 John 3:1.{AG 188.1}[1]
上帝怜爱的川流是从天父心中发源,在基督身上彰显出来,并涌向普世人类。……上帝让祂的爱子离开莫可言喻的荣耀天庭,充充满满地有恩典、有真理,来到被罪恶所败坏和毁损,被死亡和咒诅的阴影所遮暗的大地。天父让祂离开自己慈爱的怀抱和众天使的崇拜,来忍受羞耻,辱骂,屈辱,仇恨和死亡。……使上帝的儿子心碎肠断的,是罪的重担,罪恶穷凶极恶的可怕感觉,以及罪所造成心灵与上帝之间的隔绝。……{AG 188.2}[2]
It is from the Father’s heart that the streams of divine compassion, manifest in Christ, flow out to the children of men.... God permitted His beloved Son, full of grace and truth, to come from a world of indescribable glory, to a world marred and blighted with sin, darkened with the shadow of death and the curse. He permitted Him to leave the bosom of His love, the adoration of the angels, to suffer shame, insult, humiliation, hatred, and death.... It was the burden of sin, the sense of its terrible enormity, of its separation of the soul from God—it was this that broke the heart of the Son of God....{AG 188.2}[2]
上帝和祂的儿子是同受苦难的。当基督在客西马尼园中受苦,在髑髅地受死时,无穷慈爱的天父为我们付出了赎价。……要不是基督为堕落的人类作出无穷的牺牲,没有其他方法能向丧亡的人类表显天父的慈爱。……{AG 188.3}[3]
God suffered with His Son. In the agony of Gethsemane, the death of Calvary, the heart of Infinite Love paid the price of our redemption.... Nothing less than the infinite sacrifice made by Christ in behalf of fallen man could express the Father’s love to lost humanity....{AG 188.3}[3]
我们得救的赎价,天父赐下祂儿子为我们舍命的无穷牺牲,应当使我们更深地认识到自己藉着基督所能成就的一切。当蒙启示的使徒约翰看到天父对于丧亡之人的爱是何等长阔高深时,就充满了崇拜恭敬之心。他无法用言语表达这爱的伟大和温慈,只能恳劝世人瞻仰这爱。……这个地位对于人类是何等的宝贵!人因犯罪而成了撒但的奴仆,但藉着信赖基督的赎罪牺牲,亚当的子孙就能成为上帝的儿子。基督披上人性来拯救人类,堕落的人就能因与基督联合而配得到“上帝的儿子”的名分。{AG 188.4}[4]
The price paid for our redemption, the infinite sacrifice of our heavenly Father in giving His Son to die for us, should give us exalted conceptions of what we may become through Christ. As the inspired apostle John beheld the height, the depth, the breadth of the Father’s love toward the perishing race, he was filled with adoration and reverence; and, failing to find suitable language in which to express the greatness and tenderness of this love, he called upon the world to behold it.... What a value this places upon man! Through transgression, the sons of man become subjects of Satan. Through faith in the atoning sacrifice of Christ, the sons of Adam may become the sons of God. By assuming human nature, Christ elevates humanity. Fallen men are placed where, through connection with Christ, they may indeed become worthy of the name, “sons of God.”{AG 188.4}[4]
如此大爱实在无与伦比!作天上君王的儿女,这是何等宝贵的应许!何等值得深思的题目!上帝竟无限爱怜这个不爱祂的世界!{SC 12-15}{AG 188.5}[5]
Such love is without a parallel. Children of the heavenly King! Precious promise! Theme of the most profound meditation! The matchless love of God for a world that did not love Him!?67{AG 188.5}[5]
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