8月14日 帮助最没有希望的人
For the Most Hopeless, August 14
“总而言之,你们都要同心,彼此体恤,相爱如弟兄,存慈怜谦卑的心”(彼前3:8)。{AG 234.1}[1]
Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous.1 Peter 3:8.{AG 234.1}[1]
基督降世是将救恩带到人人能得的范围之内。祂在髑髅地的十字架上,为一个失丧的世界付出了无穷的赎价。……祂的使命就是救罪人,各国各族各等各色的罪人。……祂不放过那些过错最多与罪恶深重的人;祂特别为那些最需要祂所带来之救恩的人服务。他们越需要改革,便越得祂的关心,越蒙祂的同情,并越得祂恳切的服务。那些最绝望无助与最需要祂恩典感化的人,也最能打动祂伟大之爱的心坎深处。……{AG 234.2}[2]
Christ came to bring salvation within the reach of all. Upon the cross of Calvary He paid the infinite redemption price for a lost world.... His mission was to sinners, sinners of every grade, of every tongue and nation.... The most erring, the most sinful, were not passed by; His labors were especially for those who most needed the salvation He came to bring. The greater their need of reform, the deeper was His interest, the greater His sympathy, and the more earnest His labors. His great heart of love was stirred to its depths for the ones whose condition was most hopeless and who most needed His transforming grace....{AG 234.2}[2]
我们应当培养基督致力于拯救犯错之人的精神。他们和我们都蒙祂所珍爱。他们同样可以成为祂恩典的战利品,承受祂的国度。只是他们面对狡猾仇敌的网罗,面对危险和污秽,若没有基督拯救的恩典,就肯定会灭亡。我们若以正确的眼光看待这事,就会激起何等的热心,加倍作出何等真诚而自我牺牲的努力,以便接近那些需要我们帮助,祈祷,同情和爱心的人啊!……我们的心若被基督恩典所软化与降服,并感觉上帝的良善与仁爱而火热起来,就必自然而然地流露出爱心,同情,及体恤别人了。{5T 603-605}{AG 234.3}[3]
We should cultivate the spirit with which Christ labored to save the erring. They are as dear to Him as we are. They are equally capable of being trophies of His grace and heirs of the kingdom. But they are exposed to the snares of a wily foe, exposed to danger and defilement, and without the saving grace of Christ, to certain ruin. Did we view the matter in the right light, how would our zeal be quickened and our earnest, self-sacrificing efforts be multiplied, that we might come close to those who need our help, our prayers, our sympathy, and our love! ... If our hearts are softened and subdued by the grace of Christ, and glowing with a sense of God’s goodness and love, there will be a natural outflow of love, sympathy, and tenderness to others.40{AG 234.3}[3]
当接近那怜悯之爱的伟大“善心”,让神圣慈悲的洪流注入你们的心,再由你们的心转注别人的心。但愿耶稣在其宝贵生平所表现的慈悲仁爱,作为我们的榜样,我们当照样对待自己同胞,尤其是在基督里的弟兄们。……切切不可变得铁石心肠,冷漠无情,吹毛求疵。切切不要放过一个机会说鼓励和激发人希望的话。我们仁慈的言语,和减轻人重担之基督化的努力,其效力所届之境,是我们所不明白的。只有用谦卑,温柔,慈爱的精神,才能挽回有错的人,此外别无他法。{5T 612,613}{AG 234.4}[4]
Come close to the great heart of pitying love, and let the current of that divine compassion flow into your heart and from you to the hearts of others. Let the tenderness and mercy that Jesus has revealed in His own precious life be an example to us of the manner in which we should treat our fellow beings, especially those who are our brethren in Christ.... Never, never become heartless, cold, unsympathetic, and censorious. Never lose an opportunity to say a word to encourage and inspire hope. We cannot tell how far-reaching may be our tender words of kindness, our Christlike efforts to lighten some burden. The erring can be restored in no other way than in the spirit of meekness, gentleness, and tender love.41{AG 234.4}[4]
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