8月22日 充足的恩典
Grace Sufficient, August 22
“祂对我说:我的恩典够你用的,因为我的能力是在人的软弱上显得完全”(林后12:9)。{AG 242.1}[1]
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.2 Corinthians 12:9.{AG 242.1}[1]
“从前你虽然以自己为小,岂不是被立为以色列支派的元首吗”(撒上15:17)?在这里撒母耳指出扫罗被任命为以色列国王的原因。他曾认为自己能力很低,愿意受教。当上帝拣选他时,他缺乏知识和经验,品格上虽有许多优点,但还存在严重的缺点。……但他若保持谦卑,不断寻求上帝智慧的指教,……他就会光荣而成功地履行他的崇高职责。在上帝恩典的影响下,他的每一优点都要得到加强,不良的秉性将失去它的力量。{AG 242.2}[2]
“When thou wast little in thine own sight, wast thou not made the head of the tribes of Israel” (1 Samuel 15:17)? Here Samuel points out the reason for Saul’s appointment to the throne of Israel. He had a humble opinion of his own capabilities, and was willing to be instructed. When the divine choice fell upon him, he was deficient in knowledge and experience, and had, with many good qualities, serious defects of character.... But if he would remain humble, seeking constantly to be guided by divine wisdom, ... he would be enabled to discharge the duties of his high position with success and honor. Under the influence of divine grace, every good quality would be gaining strength, while evil traits would as steadily lose their power.{AG 242.2}[2]
这就是上帝为一切献身给祂的人所要做的工作。……对于一切愿意接受指教的人,祂必将恩惠和智慧赐给他们。……祂向他们指出品格上的缺点,并赐力量给一切寻求祂帮助的人,纠正他们的错误。不论他们有什么常犯的恶习,有什么不良的恶念要控制他们,只要他靠以色列拯救者的圣名和力量去防守和克服,他都能够得胜。上帝的子民应当培养对罪恶的敏感性。……撒但最成功的策略之一,就是引人纵容小罪,看不到小小的放纵和稍稍偏离上帝明白要求的危险。许多人害怕大罪,却认为小罪无甚大碍。然而正是这些小罪腐蚀了心灵的虔敬。偏离正道的脚正在踏入通向灭亡的阔路。{2BC 1016,1017}{AG 242.3}[3]
This is the work which the Lord proposes to do for all who consecrate themselves to Him.... To all who will receive instruction He will impart grace and wisdom.... He will reveal to them their defects of character, and bestow upon all who seek His aid, strength to correct their errors. Whatever may be man’s besetting sin, whatever bitter or baleful passions struggle for the mastery, he may conquer, if he will watch and war against them in the name and strength of Israel’s Helper. The children of God should cultivate a keen sensitiveness to sin.... It is one of Satan’s most successful devices, to lead men to the commission of little sins, to blind the mind to the danger of little indulgences, little digressions from the plainly stated requirements of God. Many who would shrink with horror from some great transgression, are led to look upon sin in little matters as of trifling consequence. But these little sins eat out the life of godliness in the soul. The feet which enter upon a path diverging from the right way are tending toward the broad road that ends in death.62{AG 242.3}[3]
上帝不论把我们放在什么位置上,让我们遇到什么职责或危险,我们都应当记住,祂已保证将所需要的恩惠赐给恳求祂的人。那些觉得自己不配任职,但因为是上帝的吩咐而接受的人,依靠祂的能力和智慧,将会力上加力。{2BC.1017}{AG 242.4}[4]
Whatever the position in which God has placed us, whatever our responsibilities or our dangers, we should remember that He has pledged Himself to impart needed grace to the earnest seeker. Those who feel insufficient for their position and yet accept it because God bids them, relying upon His power and wisdom, will go on from strength to strength.63{AG 242.4}[4]
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