8月28日 每一天,每一处
Every Day, Everywhere, August 28
“在你一切所行的事上,都要认定祂”(箴3:6)。{AG 248.1}[1]
In all thy ways acknowledge him.Proverbs 3:6.{AG 248.1}[1]
圣经的宗教不是一件可以随意穿上脱下的衣服。它拥有渗透一切的感化力,使我们忍耐克己地跟从基督,行事为人效法祂的榜样。……{AG 248.2}[2]
Bible religion is not a garment which can be put on and taken off at pleasure. It is an all-pervading influence, which leads us to be patient, self-denying followers of Christ, doing as He did, walking as He walked....{AG 248.2}[2]
如果从来没有一个你所遇到的人需要你的同情和体谅怜恤的话语,那么你在上帝面前忽略运用这些珍贵的恩赐,就算是无罪的。可是每一个跟从基督的人都会找到机会表现基督化的亲切与仁爱,藉此证明他具有耶稣基督的信仰。{AG 248.3}[3]
If no one ever came under your notice who needed your sympathy, your words of compassion and pity, then you would be guiltless before God for failing to exercise these precious gifts; but every follower of Christ will find opportunity to show Christian kindness and love; and in so doing he will prove that he is a possessor of the religion of Jesus Christ.{AG 248.3}[3]
这种宗教教导我们每当遭受苛刻与不公平的待遇时,应当恒久忍耐。……“不以恶报恶,以辱骂还辱骂,倒要祝福,因为你们是为此蒙召,好叫你们承受福气”(彼前3:9)。……基督在遭受辱骂时,并没有报以辱骂。……祂的宗教带有温柔安静的精神。{AG 248.4}[4]
This religion teaches us to exercise patience and long-suffering when brought into places where we receive treatment that is harsh and unjust.... “Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that we should inherit a blessing” (1 Peter 3:9).... When Christ was reviled, He reviled not again.... His religion brings with it a meek and quiet spirit....{AG 248.4}[4]
实行圣经的宗教,需要经常的忍耐、温和、克己和自我牺牲。然而上帝的圣言若成了我们生活中固定的原则,我们所必做的每一件事,我们的每一句话,每一个小小的举动,就都会显示我们是属于耶稣基督的。……上帝的圣言若被接受于心,就必从心灵中除去自负自恃的意念。我们的人生必成为一种为善的能力,因为圣灵必使我们的思想充满上帝的事。……{AG 248.5}[5]
There is constant need of patience, gentleness, self-denial, and self-sacrifice in the exercise of Bible religion. But if the word of God is made an abiding principle in our lives, everything with which we have to do, each word, each trivial act, will reveal that we are subject to Jesus Christ.... If the word of God is received into the heart, it will empty the soul of self-sufficiency and self-dependence. Our lives will be a power for good, because the Holy Spirit will fill our minds with the things of God....{AG 248.5}[5]
我们不能靠自己享有或实行基督的宗教,因为我们的心比万物都诡诈。然而耶稣……已经指示我们如何清除罪恶。祂说:“我的恩典够你用的”(林后12:9)。……我们仰望那为我们信心创始成终的耶稣,就必感受到祂圣颜的光辉,反照祂的形像,长大成人满有基督耶稣长成的身量。我们的信仰就会有吸引力,因为它带着基督公义的芳香。我们将欢喜快乐,因我们的属灵饮食将成为我们的公义、平安和喜乐。{RH.1897.5.4}{AG 248.6}[6]
Of ourselves, we can neither obtain nor practice the religion of Christ; for our hearts are deceitful above all things; but Jesus ... has shown us how we may be cleansed from sin. “My grace is sufficient for thee” (2 Corinthians 12:9), He says.... Looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith, we shall catch the light of His countenance, reflect His image, and grow up unto the full stature of men and women in Christ Jesus. Our religion will be attractive, because it will possess the fragrance of the righteousness of Christ. We shall be happy; for our spiritual meat and drink will be to us righteousness and peace and joy.82{AG 248.6}[6]
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