11月8日 恢复平安
Peace Restored, November 8
“愿恩惠平安,从上帝我们的父,归与你们”(西1:2)。{AG 320.1}[1]
Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.Colossians 1:2.{AG 320.1}[1]
基督是“和平的君”(赛9:6) 。祂的使命就是要在地上和天上恢复罪恶所破坏了的和平。“我们既因信称义,就借着我们的主耶稣基督,得与上帝相和”(罗5:1) 。无论谁如果愿意放弃罪恶,敞开心门接受基督的爱,他就得到了这天上来的和平。{AG 320.2}[2]
Christ is “the Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6), and it is His mission to restore to earth and heaven the peace that sin has broken. “Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1). Whoever consents to renounce sin and open his heart to the love of Christ, becomes a partaker of this heavenly peace.{AG 320.2}[2]
除此之外,再也没有别的和平基础了。人心如果接受了基督的恩典,就会克服仇恨,止息纷争,使心灵充满爱。凡与上帝及同胞和睦的人,决没有什么难过的事。他心中不会有嫉妒;恶意的猜测在他里面也没有立足之地;仇恨也无法存在。与上帝和谐的心必得分享天上的和平,并将其有福的感化力散布给周围的人。和睦的精神犹如甘霖,降在那些因世俗的纷争而困扰疲乏的心灵中。{AG 320.3}[3]
There is no other ground of peace than this. The grace of Christ received into the heart, subdues enmity; it allays strife and fills the soul with love. He who is at peace with God and his fellow men cannot be made miserable. Envy will not be in his heart; evil surmisings will find no room there; hatred cannot exist. The heart that is in harmony with God is a partaker of the peace of heaven and will diffuse its blessed influence on all around. The spirit of peace will rest like dew upon hearts weary and troubled with worldly strife.{AG 320.3}[3]
基督的门徒奉差遣向世人传播和平的信息。无论何人,如果藉着圣洁人生默默的影响显示基督的爱,以自己的言行引导别人离弃罪恶,将心灵归顺上帝,他就是使人和睦的人。……{AG 320.4}[4]
Christ’s followers are sent to the world with the message of peace. Whoever, by the quiet, unconscious influence of a holy life, shall reveal the love of Christ; whoever, by word or deed, shall lead another to renounce sin and yield his heart to God, is a peacemaker....{AG 320.4}[4]
和睦的精神是他们与上天联络的凭据。有基督的馨香之气围绕着他们。生活的香气,品格的优雅,都向世人显明他们是上帝的儿女。世人也认出他们是跟过耶稣的。{MB 27,28}{AG 320.5}[5]
The spirit of peace is evidence of their connection with heaven. The sweet savor of Christ surrounds them. The fragrance of the life, the loveliness of the character, reveal to the world the fact that they are children of God. Men take knowledge of them that they have been with Jesus.14{AG 320.5}[5]
基督的恩典必须交织进品格的每一个方面。……天天在基督的生活上长进便在心灵里产生一种属天的平安;这样的人生是不断结果子的人生。……在那些用基督的血赎回之人的生活中,会不断看到自我牺牲。也会看到善良和公义。安静内在的经验会使人生充满敬虔、信心、温柔、忍耐。这要成为我们日常的经验。我们要形成无罪的品格——在基督的恩典里并且靠基督的恩典得成公义的品格。{CH 633,634} {AG 320.6}[6]
The grace of Christ must be woven into every phase of the character.... Daily growth into the life of Christ creates in the soul a heaven of peace; in such a life there is continual fruit bearing.... In the lives of those who are ransomed by the blood of Christ, self-sacrifice will constantly appear. Goodness and righteousness will be seen. The quiet, inward experience will make the life full of godliness, faith, meekness, patience. This is to be our daily experience. We are to form characters free from sin—characters made righteous in and by the grace of Christ.15{AG 320.6}[6]
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