11月19日 善行究竟怎样?
What About Good Works? November 19
“我们原是祂的工作,在基督耶稣里造成的,为要叫我们行善,就是上帝所预备叫我们行的”(弗2:10)。{AG 331.1}[1]
We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.Ephesians 2:10.{AG 331.1}[1]
我们唯有藉着上帝爱子的血,才能得蒙祂的悦纳。好行为只是祂赦罪之爱的效果,对于我们并没有任何功劳可言。我们也不可能凭着自己的好行为使我们的灵魂得救。救恩是上帝因基督而白白赐给信徒的礼物。苦恼的心灵能藉着相信基督而得到平安。这平安是与他的信靠之心成正比例的。他不能把自己的好行为作为得救的理由。{AG 331.2}[2]
Our acceptance with God is sure only through His beloved Son, and good works are but the result of the working of His sin-pardoning love. They are no credit to us, and we have nothing accorded to us for our good works by which we may claim a part in the salvation of our souls. Salvation is God’s free gift to the believer, given to him for Christ’s sake alone. The troubled soul may find peace through faith in Christ, and his peace will be in proportion to his faith and trust. He cannot present his good works as a plea for the salvation of his soul.{AG 331.2}[2]
但好行为真的没有价值吗?每日犯罪而未受惩罚的人,在上帝眼中难道与相信基督,努力行善的人是一样的吗?圣经说:“我们原是祂的工作,在基督耶稣里造成的,为要叫我们行善,就是上帝所预备叫我们行的。”按照上帝的安排,本着祂白赐的恩惠,主命定好行为必得到报赏。我们唯有藉着基督的功劳才得蒙悦纳。我们怜悯仁慈的行为,乃是信心的果实,同时也是我们的福气,因为人是要按照自己的行为受报应的。基督功劳的芳香,使我们的善行得蒙上帝悦纳。恩典使我们能做出蒙祂报赏的行为。我们的行为本身并没有功劳。当我们尽到自己的努力以后,仍把自己看成无用的仆人。我们不配得到上帝的感谢。我们所做的都是我们的本分。这是靠着我们的罪性做不出来的。{AG 331.3}[3]
But are good works of no real value? Is the sinner who commits sin every day with impunity, regarded of God with the same favor as the one who through faith in Christ tries to work in his integrity? The Scripture answers, “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” In His divine arrangement, through His unmerited favor, the Lord has ordained that good works shall be rewarded. We are accepted through Christ’s merit alone; and the acts of mercy, the deeds of charity, which we perform, are the fruits of faith; and they become a blessing to us; for men are to be rewarded according to their works. It is the fragrance of the merit of Christ that makes our good works acceptable to God, and it is grace that enables us to do the works for which He rewards us. Our works in and of themselves have no merit. When we have done all that it is possible for us to do, we are to count ourselves as unprofitable servants. We deserve no thanks from God. We have only done what it was our duty to do, and our works could not have been performed in the strength of our own sinful natures.{AG 331.3}[3]
上帝吩咐我们要亲近祂,祂就会亲近我们。我们既亲近祂,就接受了祂的恩惠,去做能得祂报赏的工作。{5BC 1122}{AG 331.4}[4]
The Lord has bidden us to draw nigh to Him and He will draw nigh to us; and drawing nigh to Him, we receive the grace by which to do those works which will be rewarded at His hands.35{AG 331.4}[4]
爱心的行为来自信心的功效。……我们忙碌的行为确实不能带来救恩的保证,可是那把我们联于基督的信心也确实会使我们的心灵行动起来。{6BC 1111}{AG 331.6}[5]
The labor of love springs from the work of faith.... While it is true that our busy activities will not in themselves ensure salvation, it is also true that faith which unites us to Christ will stir the soul to activity.36{AG 331.5}[5]
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