12月1日 上帝的荣耀彰显在祂的作为..
God’s Glory Seen in His Works, December 1
“圣哉,圣哉,圣哉,万军之耶和华;祂的荣光充满全地”(赛6:3)。{AG 343.1}[1]
Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.Isaiah 6:3.{AG 343.1}[1]
伊甸园乃至于全地从创造主手中出来的时候是非常美丽的。在一切华美的受造之物中,没有一点罪恶的痕迹或死亡的阴影。上帝的荣耀“遮蔽诸天,颂赞充满大地”(哈3:3)。“那时,晨星一同歌唱,神的众子也都欢呼”(伯38:7)。地球就这样成了“有丰盛的慈爱和诚实”之主的合适标志(出34:6),也成了照着祂形像所造之人的恰当的学习课程。上帝希望全地都成为伊甸园那样。祂的旨意是随着人类的繁衍,他们要建立其他家庭与学校,象祂所设的那样。到了一定的时候,全地必充满研究上帝言语和作为的家庭与学校。学生们在里面得到准备,好在无穷的岁月中越来越反映上帝荣耀知识的光。{Ed 22}{AG 343.2}[2]
As it came from the Creator’s hand, not only the Garden of Eden but the whole earth was exceedingly beautiful. No taint of sin, or shadow of death, marred the fair creation. God’s glory “covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise” (Habakkuk 3:3). “The morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy” (Job 38:7). Thus was the earth a fit emblem of Him who is “abundant in goodness and truth” (Exodus 34:6); a fit study for those who were made in His image. The Garden of Eden was a representation of what God desired the whole earth to become, and it was His purpose that, as the human family increased in numbers, they should establish other homes and schools like the one He had given. Thus in course of time the whole earth might be occupied with homes and schools where the words and the works of God should be studied, and where the students should thus be fitted more and more fully to reflect, throughout endless ages, the light of the knowledge of His glory.1{AG 343.2}[2]
亚当从创造主手中出来时,在灵、智、体方面都与他的创造主相似。“上帝就照着自己的形像造人”(创1:27)。祂的旨意是人类生存得越久,就越充分地反映祂的形像,反映创造主的荣耀。他的一切天赋都会得到发展。他的才能与活力也会不断增加。他有广阔的活动空间和光荣的学习领域。眼前宇宙的一切奥秘——“那知识全备者奇妙的作为”(伯37:16)——邀请人去研究。他的崇高特权就是能与他的创造主面对面倾心交谈。只要他保持效忠上帝,这一切就永远是属于他的。在永恒的岁月里,他必继续领受知识的新宝藏,发现幸福的新泉源,对于上帝的智慧、权能与仁爱,有更清楚的认识。他必越来越充分地成就造他的目的,越来越全面地反映创造主的荣耀。{Ed 15} {AG 343.3}[3]
When Adam came from the Creator’s hand, he bore, in his physical, mental, and spiritual nature, a likeness to his Maker. “God created man in his own image” (Genesis 1:27), and it was His purpose that the longer man lived the more fully he should reveal this image—the more fully reflect the glory of the Creator. All his faculties were capable of development; their capacity and vigor were continually to increase. Vast was the scope offered for their exercise, glorious the field opened to their research. The mysteries of the visible universe—the “wondrous works of him which is perfect in knowledge” (Job 37:16)—invited man’s study. Face-to-face, heart-to-heart communion with his Maker was his high privilege. Had he remained loyal to God, all this would have been his forever. Throughout eternal ages he would have continued to gain new treasures of knowledge, to discover fresh springs of happiness, and to obtain clearer and yet clearer conceptions of the wisdom, the power, and the love of God. More and more fully would he have fulfilled the object of his creation, more and more fully have reflected the Creator’s glory.2{AG 343.3}[3]
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