2月19日 忠诚的考验
The Test of Loyalty, February 19
“有了我的命令又遵守的,这人就是爱我的;爱我的必蒙我父爱他,我也要爱他,并且要向他显现”(约14:21)。{AG 58.1}[1]
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.John 14:21.{AG 58.1}[1]
每一个上帝之国的公民都应遵守耶和华的律法。……律法是圣洁、公义、良善的,这一点必须在各国、各方、各民之前向未曾堕落的诸世界,向天使、撒拉弗和基路伯证明出来。上帝律法的原则彰显在耶稣基督的品格中。与基督合作的人既与上帝的性情有分,就必造就神圣的品德,成为上帝律法的具体说明。……{AG 58.2}[2]
It is essential that every subject of the kingdom of God should be obedient to the law of Jehovah.... The fact that the law is holy, just, and good is to be testified before all nations, tongues, and peoples, to worlds unfallen, to angels, seraphim, and cherubim. The principles of the law of God were wrought out in the character of Jesus Christ, and he who cooperates with Christ, becoming a partaker of the divine nature, will develop the divine character, and become an illustration of the divine law....{AG 58.2}[2]
我们越研究上帝彰显在基督身上的品质,就越看出为应对律法的刑罚所作的牺牲足以维护公义,使世人可以再得到一次宽容的时期。……凡在这短暂的宽容时期中遵守上帝政权之法律的人,……在天国必被称为万军之耶和华的忠诚儿女。……{AG 58.3}[3]
The more we study the attributes of the character of God as revealed in Christ, the more we see that justice has been sustained in the sacrifice that met the penalty of the law, ... in order that man might have another probation.... Those who are obedient to the law of the government of God while in this brief probation, ... will be pronounced in heaven loyal children of the Lord of Hosts....{AG 58.3}[3]
我们因创造和救赎而成为主的产业。我们绝对是祂的子民,理应顺从祂国度的律法。但愿不要有人产生错觉,以为天地之主上帝并没有管理统治祂百姓的法律。我们所享用的一切都出于上帝。我们所吃的食物、所穿的衣服、所呼吸的空气、每天所享有的生命,都是从上帝那里领受的。我们有责任接受祂旨意的管束,承认祂为我们至高的统治者。……{AG 58.4}[4]
By both creation and redemption we are the Lord’s property. We are absolutely His subjects, and amenable to the laws of His kingdom. Let no one foster the delusion that the Lord God of heaven and earth has no law by which to control and govern His subjects. We are dependent upon God for everything we enjoy. The food which we eat, the clothing we wear, the atmosphere we breathe, the life we enjoy from day to day, are received from God. We are under obligation to be governed by His will, to acknowledge Him as our supreme ruler....{AG 58.4}[4]
因上帝在基督耶稣里向我们所彰显的慈爱,我们都欠祂的恩情。我们作为有理智的人,应当向世界显明遵守上帝政权之律法的每一条款,会造就什么样的品格。我们既完全遵行祂圣洁的旨意,就当表现敬慕、仁爱、快乐与称赞,以此来尊荣上帝。人惟有这样,才能向世界表现上帝在基督里的品德,并向世人显示幸福、平安、保证和恩典,均来自遵守上帝的律法。RH.1897,3.9){AG 58.5}[5]
We are under a debt of gratitude to God for the revelation of His love in Christ Jesus; and as intelligent human agents, we are to reveal to the world the manner of character that will result from obedience to every specification of the law of God’s government. In perfect obedience to His holy will, we are to manifest adoration, love, cheerfulness, and praise, and thus honor and glorify God. It is in this way alone that man may reveal the character of God in Christ to the world, and make manifest to men that happiness, peace, assurance, and grace come from obedience to the law of God.43{AG 58.5}[5]
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