2月20日 上帝的要求最重要
God’s Claims Are First, February 20
“顺从上帝,不顺从人,是应当的”(徒5:29)。{AG 59.1}[1]
We ought to obey God rather than men.Acts 5:29.{AG 59.1}[1]
我们所必须传扬的信息,是无须畏缩不讲的。倡导它的人不要设法掩盖它,隐藏它的来历和宗旨。我们既曾向上帝庄严地宣誓,被委任为基督的使者,作恩典奥秘事的管家,就应当履行职责,忠心地传扬上帝的全部训诲。{AG 59.12[2]
The message that we have to bear is not one that we need cringe to declare. Its advocates are not to seek to cover it, to conceal its origin and purpose. As those who have made solemn vows to God, and who have been commissioned as the messengers of Christ, as stewards of the mysteries of grace, we are under obligation to declare faithfully the whole counsel of God.{AG 59.2}[2]
我们不可贬低那些将我们与世俗分开,使我们成为一班子民的特殊真理;因为这些真理涉及永恒的福利。上帝已赐给我们亮光,使我们明白现今发生之事的意义。我们当用笔和口向世人宣扬真理。{GW 288}{AG 59.3}[3]
We are not to make less prominent the special truths that have separated us from the world, and made us what we are; for they are fraught with eternal interests. God has given us light in regard to the things that are now taking place, and with pen and voice we are to proclaim the truth to the world.44{AG 59.3}[3]
安息日是主的测验,不论是君王,是祭司,或是官长,任何人在上帝和人之间都无权干预。凡欲左右他人良心的人,就是高抬自己超过上帝。那些受假宗教影响而遵守伪安息日的人,必要抛弃真安息日最确切的证据。他们要设法强迫人服从他们所自定的律法,就是那些与上帝律法截然相反的法律。……命人遵守每周第一日的律法,是背道之基督教的产物。……在任何情形下,上帝的子民决不能对此表示敬意。{9T 234,235}{AG 59.4}[4]
The Sabbath is the Lord’s test, and no man, be he king, priest, or ruler, is authorized to come between God and man. Those who seek to be conscience for their fellow men, place themselves above God. Those who are under the influence of a false religion, who observe a spurious rest day, will set aside the most positive evidence in regard to the true Sabbath. They will try to compel men to obey the laws of their own creation, laws that are directly opposed to the law of God.... The law for the observance of the first day of the week is the production of an apostate Christendom.... In no case are God’s people to pay it homage.45{AG 59.4}[4]
过去各世代中教会的元老和上帝的见证人所高举的真理和宗教自由的旗帜,在今日最后的斗争展开时,已经交在我们手中了。……我们也该承认属世的政府是上帝所命定的。在合理的范围之内,教导人顺从政府乃是我们的天职。但当政府的命令与上帝的命令发生冲突时,我们必须顺从上帝,而不顺从人。我们必须承认上帝的话高过世人的法律。我们不可以“教会当局如此说”或“政府当局如此说”来代替“耶和华如此说。”基督的冕旒必须被高举,超过一切地上君王和臣宰。{GW 389}{AG 59.5}[5]
The banner of truth and religious liberty held aloft by the founders of the gospel church and by God’s witnesses during the centuries that have passed since then, has, in this last conflict, been committed to our hands.... We are to recognize human government as an ordinance of divine appointment, and teach obedience to it as a sacred duty, within its legitimate sphere. But when its claims conflict with the claims of God, we must obey God rather than men. God’s word must be recognized as above all human legislation. A “Thus saith the Lord” is not to be set aside for a “Thus saith the church” or a “Thus saith the state.” The crown of Christ is to be lifted above the diadems of earthly potentates.46{AG 59.5}[5]
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