2月22日 顺从之福
Blessings Through Obedience, February 22
“我的上帝啊,我乐意照祢的旨意行;祢的律法在我心里”(诗40:8)。{AG 61.1}[1]
I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.Psalm 40:8.{AG 61.1}[1]
我们的上帝是何等的伟大啊!祂勤劳细心地治理着祂的国度,在祂的子民周围筑了篱笆,就是十条诫命,使他们免遭犯罪的报应。上帝要求祂的子民顺从祂国度的律法,同时赐给他们健康和幸福,平安和喜乐。祂教导他们:只有熟悉祂的话,才能获得祂所要求的完美品格。{CT 454}{AG 61.2}[2]
What a God is our God! He rules over His kingdom with diligence and care, and He has built a hedge—the Ten Commandments—about His subjects to preserve them from the results of transgression. In requiring obedience to the laws of His kingdom, God gives His people health and happiness, peace and joy. He teaches them that the perfection of character He requires can be attained only by becoming familiar with His Word.48{AG 61.2}[2]
真正寻求的人,既努力要在言语、生活和品格上象耶稣,就必默想他的救赎主,并且藉着仰望,变成祂的形像,因为他渴望并且祈求有和耶稣基督一样的性情,以祂的心为心。……他渴慕上帝。他救赎主的历史,祂所付出无法估量的牺牲,对他而言充满了意义。天上至尊的基督成为了贫穷,好使我们藉着祂的贫穷可以成为富足;不仅仅在天资上富足,而且在后天的造诣上富足。{AG 61.3}[3]
The true seeker, who is striving to be like Jesus in word, life, and character, will contemplate his Redeemer and, by beholding, become changed into His image, because he longs and prays for the same disposition and mind that was in Christ Jesus.... He longs after God. The history of his Redeemer, the immeasurable sacrifice that He made, becomes full of meaning to him. Christ, the Majesty of heaven, became poor, that we through His poverty might become rich; not rich merely in endowments, but rich in attainments.{AG 61.3}[3]
这些财富是基督切盼跟从祂的人所拥有的。真诚寻求真理的人既阅读圣言,并敞开自己的心怀接受圣言,便全心全意地渴慕真理。基督为爱祂的人去预备的天上住处所必有的要素,如仁爱、怜悯、亲切、谦恭与基督徒的礼貌,就充满他的心灵。他的宗旨坚定不移。他决心要站在正义这一方。真理业已进入他的心中,并由身为真理的圣灵栽培妥当。真理一旦控制了人心,这人就成为基督恩赐的管家,表现出真理在心中的确实凭据。{TM 121,122}{AG 61.4}[4]
These are the riches that Christ earnestly longs that His followers shall possess. As the true seeker after the truth reads the Word and opens his mind to receive the Word, he longs after truth with his whole heart. The love, the pity, the tenderness, the courtesy, the Christian politeness, which will be the elements in the heavenly mansions that Christ has gone to prepare for those that love Him, take possession of his soul. His purpose is steadfast. He is determined to stand on the side of righteousness. Truth has found its way into the heart, and is planted there by the Holy Spirit, who is the truth. When truth takes hold of the heart, the man gives sure evidence of this by becoming a steward of the grace of Christ.49{AG 61.4}[4]
每一位管家在推进上帝的国度中都有指定的工作。……口才、记忆力、影响力和财产,都要用来增添上帝的荣耀,推进祂的国度。正确地使用祂的恩赐,可得到祂的赐福。{CS 116}{AG 61.5}[5]
Each steward has his own special work to do for the advancement of God’s kingdom.... The talents of speech, memory, influence, property, are to accumulate for the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom. He will bless the right use of His gifts.50{AG 61.5}[5]
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