六月十九日 星期日的传道工作
Sunday Missionary Work, June 19
Preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. 2 Timothy 4:2, R.S.V. {Mar 178.1}
宗教狂热之徒既要强制推行星期日的法令,你们的违抗只会加甚他们的逼迫。不要给他们藉口,说你们是犯法的人。若是他们去约束一班既不怕上帝又不怕世人的人,则过不多时,他们就会觉得钳制人并不是有趣的事情,也会看出要人严守星期日是不方便不合理的。你只要拿着圣经,一直进行你传道的工作,仇敌就必发现他反而坏了自己的事。一个人用聪明的方法,采取和平的手段,不做那要触犯人的工作,同时却做最紧要的工作,那么,他决不会受兽的印记。{Mar 178.1}
To defy the Sunday laws will but strengthen in their persecution the religious zealots who are seeking to enforce them. Give them no occasion to call you lawbreakers. If they are left to rein up men who fear neither God nor man, the reining up will soon lose its novelty for them, and they will see that it is not consistent nor convenient for them to be strict in regard to the observance of Sunday. Keep right on with your missionary work, with your Bibles in your hands, and the enemy will see that he has worsted his own cause. One does not receive the mark of the beast because he shows that he realizes the wisdom of keeping the peace by refraining from work that gives offense, doing at the same time a work of the highest importance. {Mar 178.2}
如果我们专用星期日的光阴来做传道的工作,就夺去了那些以侮辱安息日复临信徒为乐之任情行事的狂热者手中的鞭子。……{Mar 178.2}
When we devote Sunday to missionary work, the whip will be taken out of the hands of the arbitrary zealots who would be well pleased to humiliate Seventh-day Adventists.... {Mar 178.3}
我们可以用星期日的时间进行多项工作,为主成就很多事。这一天,我们可以举行露天布道和家庭聚会,或者挨家拜访人。擅长写作的人,可利用星期日的时间来写稿子。尽可能在星期日举行礼拜聚会。这些聚会要安排得非常精彩吸引人。唱的诗歌,要振奋人心,讲的道要具有救主仁爱的能力和应许。要讲论节制和真正的宗教经验。这样你就能学会如何工作,并感化许多人。……{Mar 178.3}
Sunday can be used for carrying forward various lines of work that will accomplish much for the Lord. On this day open- air meetings and cottage meetings can be held. House-to-house work can be done. Those who write can devote this day to writing their articles. Whenever it is possible, let religious services be held on Sunday. Make these meetings intensely interesting. Sing genuine revival hymns, and speak with power and assurance of the Saviour’s love. Speak on temperance and on true religious experience. You will thus learn much about how to work, and will reach many souls.... {Mar 178.4}
命人遵守每周第一日的律法,是背道之基督教的产物。星期日原是罗马教的产物,经过基督教界的抬举超过了上帝的圣安息日。在任何情形上,上帝的子民决不能对此表示敬意,但是我也希望他们知道:若上帝要他们避免争端,而他们却奋起反抗,这也不是遵行上帝的旨意。(9T 232,233,235){Mar 178.4}
The law for the observance of the first day of the week is the production of an apostate Christendom. Sunday is a child of the Papacy, exalted by the Christian world above the sacred day of God’s rest. In no case are God’s people to pay it homage. But I wish them to understand that they are not doing God’s will by braving opposition when He wishes them to avoid it.49 {Mar 178.5}
奇妙的景象已经在我们面前展现,现在自称上帝子民的人应当在生活上作出活的见证,使世人看出:当今世代虽然邪恶处处得势,仍有一班人将自己的意愿放在一边而寻求遵行上帝的旨意——有上帝的律法写在他们的心灵和生活中。(AH 519){Mar 178.5}
Wonderful scenes are opening before us; and at this time a living testimony is to be borne in the lives of God’s professed people, so that the world may see that in this age, when evil reigns on every side, there is yet a people who are laying aside their will and are seeking to do God’s will—a people in whose hearts and lives God’s law is written.50 {Mar 178.6}
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