七月二日 撒但与三合一联盟
Satan and the Threefold Union, July 2
And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast. Revelation 13:4. {Mar 191.1}
他“有两角如同羊羔,说话好象龙”(启13:11)。人们虽自称为上帝羔羊的信徒,却为龙的精神所感染。他们自称柔和谦卑,说话和立法却带着撒但的精神,在行动上表明他们与所表白的完全矛盾。这象羊羔的权势与龙勾结,要和遵守上帝诫命并有耶稣基督见证的人作战。撒但把基督教和罗马教联合起来,以这个世界之神的身份与他们联合,对人发号施令,把他们当作他国度的子民,随意摆布,辖管和控制。人若不同意践踏上帝的诫命,龙的精神就会显露出来了。他们要被囚禁,带到议会之前,并被罚款。“他又叫众人,无论大小贫富,自主的为奴的,都在右手上,或在额上,受一个印记。”“又有权柄赐给他,叫兽像有生气,并且能说话,又叫所有不拜兽像的人都被杀害”(启13:15,16)。撒但就这样篡夺了耶和华的王权。于是大罪人坐在上帝的座位上,自称是上帝,行事凌驾于上帝之上。{Mar 191.1}
“He had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” Though professing to be followers of the Lamb of God, men become imbued with the spirit of the dragon. They profess to be meek and humble but they speak and legislate with the spirit of Satan, showing by their actions that they are the opposite of what they profess to be. This lamb-like power unites with the dragon in making war upon those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. And Satan unites with Protestants and Papists, acting in consort with them as the god of this world, dictating to men as if they were the subjects of his kingdom, to be handled and governed and controlled as he pleases. If men will not agree to trample under foot the commandments of God, the spirit of the dragon is revealed. They are imprisoned, brought before councils, and fined. “He causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.” “He had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” Thus Satan usurps the prerogatives of Jehovah. The man of sin sits in the seat of God, proclaiming himself to be God, and acting above God. {Mar 191.2}
在受上帝的印记和拜兽与兽像的人之间,存在显著的区别。主的忠心仆人要受到假教师最残酷的逼迫。这些假教师不愿意听上帝的话,还将绊脚石放在肯听从上帝话语的人路上。但是上帝的子民不必害怕。撒但绝不能越过他的界限。主必作祂子民的保障。祂视凡因真理的缘故而对祂仆人的加害如同加害祂自己一样。只等到最后的决定作出,大家都已选定加入哪一边,或拥护基督与诫命,或者投靠那大叛徒之时,上帝必带着祂的权能兴起。所有亵渎祂的口都必永远闭住了。每一反对的势力也都受到应有的惩罚。(Letter.1900.28){Mar 191.2}
There is a marked contrast between those who bear the seal of God and those who worship the beast and his image. The Lord’s faithful servants will receive the bitterest persecution from false teachers, who will not hear the word of God, and who prepare stumbling blocks to put in the way of those who would hear. But God’s people are not to fear. Satan cannot go beyond his limit. The Lord will be the defense of His people. He regards the injury done to His servants for the truth’s sake as done to Himself. When the last decision has been made, when all have taken sides, either for Christ and the commandments or for the great apostate, God will arise in His power, and the mouths of those who have blasphemed against Him will be forever stopped. Every opposing power will receive its punishment.4 {Mar 191.3}
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