二月十七日 最后的一更
The Last Watch, February 17
Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. Mark 13:35, 36. {Mar 56.1}
一班人呈现在我面前。……他们的眼定睛望天,口中时常重述他们夫子的话语:“我对你们所说的话,也是对众人说:要警醒!”……我们的主暗示,在黎明最终到来之前会有迟延。但祂不希望他们为疲倦所胜,或放松他们诚恳的警醒。……{Mar 56.1}
A company was presented before me.... Their eyes were directed heavenward, and the words of their Master were upon their lips: “What I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.” ... The Lord intimates a delay before the morning finally dawns. But He would not have them give way to weariness, nor relax their earnest watchfulness, because the morning does not open upon them as soon as they expected.... {Mar 56.2}
我看到,就像我们救主所吩咐的,若将感情和志趣贯注在属世的挂虑上,增加属世的财物,而又处于警醒等候的立场,乃是不可能的事。天使说:“他们只能获得一个世界。为要获得属天的财宝,他们必须牺牲地上的。他们不能两个世界都拥有。”……{Mar 56.2}
I saw that it was impossible to have the affections and interests engrossed in worldly cares, to be increasing earthly possessions, and yet be in a waiting, watching position, as our Saviour has commanded. Said the angel: “They can secure but one world. In order to acquire the heavenly treasure, they must sacrifice the earthly. They cannot have both worlds.” ... {Mar 56.3}
我看到一更接着一更过去了。因为这样,就应缺乏警醒吗?决不!现在更需不断警醒,因为比一更天过去之前时候更少了。……如果我们那时都不懈地警醒,那么我们二更天时岂不更需加倍的警醒吗?二更天过去,我们迎来了三更天,现在我们若减少警醒就是不可原谅的。三更天需要我们比一更天时三倍的热心。我们现在若变得不耐烦,以往所有诚恳不懈的警醒就全部白费了。漫漫长夜的阴暗是难熬的;但黎明推迟到来是出于上帝的怜悯,因为如果我们的主现在降临,就会发现许多人没有预备好。上帝之所以如此长久的拖延,就是不愿让祂的百姓灭亡。……{Mar 56.3}
I saw that watch after watch was in the past. Because of this, should there be a lack of vigilance? Oh, no! There is the greater necessity of unceasing watchfulness, for now the moments are fewer than before the passing of the first watch.... If we watched with unabated vigilance then, how much more need of double watchfulness in the second watch. The passing of the second watch has brought us to the third, and now it is inexcusable to abate our watchfulness. The third watch calls for threefold earnestness. To become impatient now would be to lose all our earnest, persevering watching heretofore. The long night of gloom is trying; but the morning is deferred in mercy, because if the Master should come, so many would be found unready. God’s unwillingness to have His people perish has been the reason for so long delay.... {Mar 56.4}
爱世界的人和爱基督的人之间的区别是那么明显,以致无人会认错。当世俗之徒殚精竭虑、野心膨胀地去获取属世财宝时,上帝的子民却不效法世界,反而藉自己恳切警醒等候的立场表明他们被改变了;他们的家乡不在这世界,他们在寻求一个更好的家乡,就是在天上的。(2T 192-194){Mar 56.4}
The difference between those who love the world and those who love Christ is so plain as to be unmistakable. While worldlings are all earnestness and ambition to secure earthly treasure, God’s people are not conformed to the world, but show by their earnest, watching, waiting position that they are transformed; that their home is not in this world, but that they are seeking a better country, even a heavenly.25 {Mar 56.5}
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