三月五日 天国无瑕疵的珍珠
Heaven’s Flawless Pearl, March 5
The kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. Matthew 13:45, 46. {Mar 72.1}
基督本身就是那颗贵重的珍珠。……基督的义,就像一颗洁白的珍珠,毫无瑕疵和玷污。没有人能够在上帝所赐伟大而宝贵的恩赐上加工改良。祂是毫无缺点的。“所积蓄的一切智慧知识,都在祂里面藏着”(西2:3).“祂成为我们的智慧,公义,圣洁,救赎。”(林后1:30).在基督里,我们可以找到满足心灵今生来生需要和愿望的一切东西。我们的救赎主是贵重的珍珠。一切别的东西与之相比,都显得毫无价值。……{Mar 72.1}
Christ Himself is the pearl of great price.... The righteousness of Christ, as a pure, white pearl, has no defect, no stain. No work of man can improve the great and precious gift of God. It is without a flaw. In Christ are “hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:3. He is “made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.” 1 Corinthians 1:30. All that can satisfy the needs and longings of the human soul, for this world and for the world to come, is found in Christ. Our Redeemer is the pearl so precious that in comparison all things else may be accounted loss.... {Mar 72.2}
比喻中的珍珠并不是一种赠品。买卖人是用重价把它买下来的。许多人对此发出疑问,因为圣经上说基督乃是一种恩赐。祂的确是恩赐,但是只有对于那些毫无保留地献上灵智体给祂的人,祂才是一种恩赐。我们应当献身给基督,在生活上乐意顺从祂的一切要求。凡我们所有的,以及我们的一切才能和财宝都是主的,应当奉献为祂服务。当我们这样完全献身给祂时,基督就会将祂自己,连同天上的一切财富都赐给我们,我们就得到了贵重的珍珠。……{Mar 72.2}
In the parable the pearl is not represented as a gift. The merchantman bought it at the price of all that he had. Many question the meaning of this, since Christ is represented in the Scriptures as a gift. He is a gift, but only to those who give themselves, soul, body, and spirit, to Him without reserve. We are to give ourselves to Christ, to live a life of willing obedience to all His requirements. All that we are, all the talents and capabilities we possess, are the Lord’s, to be consecrated to His service. When we thus give ourselves wholly to Him, Christ, with all the treasures of heaven, gives Himself to us. We obtain the pearl of great price.... {Mar 72.3}
在经营上帝恩赐的市场上,贵重的珍珠可以不用银钱,不用价值而得到。在这个市场上,所有的人都可以获得天国的货物。真理珠宝的仓库向所有的人敞开。……我们的救主诚恳和蔼地邀请我们:“我劝你向我买火炼的金子,叫你富足”(启3:8,18)。……最贫穷的人和最富足的人一样能够购买救恩,因为救恩不是靠任何数量的属世财富来购买的。唯有甘心顺从,献身给基督,作祂所买来的产业,才能得到救恩。……{Mar 72.3}
In the market of which divine mercy has the management, the precious pearl is represented as being bought without money and without price. In this market all may obtain the goods of heaven. The treasury of the jewels of truth is open to all.... The Saviour’s voice earnestly and lovingly invites us: “I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich.” ... The poorest are as well able as the richest to purchase salvation; for no amount of worldly wealth can secure it. It is obtained by willing obedience, by giving ourselves to Christ as His own purchased possession.... {Mar 72.4}
我们不能赚取救恩,但我们必须用极大的兴趣和毅力来寻求它,即使为了它而舍弃一切属世的财富。(COL 115-117){Mar 72.4}
We cannot earn salvation, but we are to seek for it with as much interest and perseverance as though we would abandon everything in the world for it.8 {Mar 72.5}
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