1月11日 天上君王的儿女
Children of the Heavenly King, January 11
“你看父赐给我们是何等的慈爱,使我们得称为上帝的儿女;我们也真是祂的儿女,世人所以不认识我们,是因未曾认识祂”(约壹3:1)。{OHC 17.1}[1]
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.1 John 3:1.{OHC 17.1}[1]
但愿没有人认为作上帝的儿女会降低自己的身分。屈尊降卑的乃是上帝的独生子。……祂曾撇下了自己的荣耀、尊严和最高的统治权,在神性上披覆人性,以便人性接触人性,神性把握神性。祂来到这个世界,为我们忍受了十字架的死亡。……{OHC 17.2}[2]
Let no one feel that he is stepping down in becoming a child of God. It was the only begotten Son of God who stepped down.... Leaving His splendor, His majesty, His high command, and clothing His divinity with humanity, that humanity might touch humanity, and divinity lay hold upon divinity, He came to this earth, and in our behalf suffered the death of the cross....{OHC 17.2}[2]
基督已作出无限的牺牲。祂为我们舍了自己的性命。祂神圣的心灵担负了违犯上帝律法的后果。祂撇下王冠,屈尊步步降卑到堕落人类的水平。祂被挂在髑髅地的十字架上,为我们而受死,使我们能得永生。……祂为使我们得称为上帝的儿女而忍受这一切,还难道是小事吗?成为王室的成员,天上大君的儿女,享受永远的基业,这难道是小事吗?(GCB.1901.4.23){OHC 17.2}[3]
Christ has made an infinite sacrifice. He gave His own life for us. He took upon His divine soul the result of the transgression of God’s law. Laying aside His royal crown, He condescended to step down, step by step, to the level of fallen humanity. He hung upon Calvary’s cross, dying in our behalf, that we might have eternal life.... Does it seem a small thing that He should endure all this, that we might be called the sons of God? Does it seem a small thing to you to become members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King, partakers of an immortal inheritance??20{OHC 17.3}[3]
无穷良善的上帝藉着耶稣基督的功劳,不仅原谅赦免了我们,还称我们为义,并因着基督的义,将公义赐给我们,提升接纳我们作祂的儿女。于是我们成为王室的成员,天上君王的儿女。祂将人从堕落中拯救出来,把他们高举在公义之中。……祂称他们为祂的珍宝,为属祂自己的子民。他们是祂恩典和权能,以及祂伟大辉煌荣耀的战利品。所以他们不是属自己的人,而是用重价买来的,藉着基督赎罪的特殊功劳,得以与祂亲近并建立神圣的关系。他们被称为祂的产业,祂的儿女,祂身上的肢体,祂骨中的骨,肉中的肉。他们与主的关系是非常亲密的。(Lt.1873.8){OHC 17.3}[4]
Such is the infinite goodness of God that through Jesus Christ’s merits He not only spares but pardons and justifies us, and through the righteousness of Christ imputes righteousness to us, and exalts and ennobles us by making us children of His adoption. We become members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King. He lifts men and women from their degradation and exalts them in righteousness.... He calls them His jewels, and a peculiar treasure unto Him. They are trophies of His grace and power, and of His greatness and riches in glory. They therefore are not their own, but are bought with a price, and through the extraordinary office of the atonement of Christ have been brought into nearness and the most sacred relationship to Jesus Christ. They are called His heritage, His children, the members of Christ’s body, of His flesh and of His bones; yea, they are joined to the Lord by intimate relationship with Him.21{OHC 17.4}[4]
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