7月2日 兴旺的危险
The Peril of Prosperity, July 2
“若财宝加增,不要放在心上”(诗62:10)。{OHC 189.1}[1]
If riches increase, set not your heart upon them.Psalm 62:10.{OHC 189.1}[1]
威协教会的最大危险之一就是贪爱世界。自私和贪婪的罪由此而出。许多人属世的财富越多,就越贪财,还想得到更多。……{OHC 189.2}[2]
Among the greatest dangers that threaten the church is the love of the world. Out of this spring the sins of selfishness and covetousness. With many, the more they get of earthly treasure, the more they set their affections on it, and still they reach out for more....{OHC 189.2}[2]
撒但千方百计要打倒跟从基督的人。他用神奇的手段和狡计使他的试探迎合每一个人的个性。对于自私贪婪成性的人,他往往用兴旺发达来试探他们。他知道他们若不克服自己的本性,爱玛门的心就会使他们跌倒。他的目的常常达到。当属世的财富提供给他们时,许多人就急于抓住这些财富,认为自己是发了横财。强烈的爱世俗之心不久就吞没了爱真理之心。……{OHC 189.3}[3]
Satan employs every means which he can devise to overthrow the followers of Christ. With marvelous skill and cunning he adapts his temptations to the peculiar temperament of each. Those who are naturally selfish and covetous he often tempts by throwing prosperity in their way. He knows that if they do not overcome their natural temperament, the love of mammon will cause them to stumble and fall. His object is often accomplished. When the riches of the world are offered them, many eagerly grasp the treasure, and think they are wonderfully prospered. The strong love of the world soon swallows up the love of the truth....{OHC 189.3}[3]
如此发了财的人若将自己的财产放在上帝的祭坛上,就会克服他们自私贪婪的精神,挫败撒但的诡计。属世的财物若使用得当,是可以成为一种福气的。凡拥有财富的人应该意识到那是上帝借给他们的,要用在祂的圣工上。他们藉着慷慨的捐献以推进真理的事工,解救贫乏之人的需要,就能成为救人的工具,从而在今生给自己的心灵带来福气,并积攒财宝在天上。这样的财宝必永远属于他们。……{OHC 189.4}[4]
If those who are thus prospered would lay their possessions upon the altar of God, they might overcome their selfish, covetous spirit, and so thwart the design of Satan. Worldly wealth may be made a blessing, if rightly used. All who possess it should realize that is lent them of God, to be employed in His service. By giving freely to advance the cause of truth and to relieve the wants of the needy, they may be the means of saving others, and thus bring a blessing to their own souls here, and lay up in heaven a treasure that shall be theirs hereafter....{OHC 189.4}[4]
许多人现在还几乎不明白克已或为真理牺牲的意义。救赎主若不走过屈辱、自我牺牲、背负十架的道路,没有一个人能够进入天国。惟有那些愿意为永生而牺牲一切的人,才能获得永生。但是为了永生而受苦,将自我钉在十字架上,并放弃一切的偶像乃是值得的。那极重无比永远的荣耀,远胜过一切属世的财富,使一切属世的引诱黯然失色。(RH.1883.9.4){OHC 189.5}[5]
Many hardly know, as yet, what self-denial is, or what it is to sacrifice for the truth’s sake. But none will enter Heaven but by the same path of humiliation, self-sacrifice, and cross-bearing, that the Saviour trod. Only those who are willing to sacrifice all for eternal life will have it, but it will be worth suffering for, worth crucifying self and sacrificing every idol for. The far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory will outweigh every earthly treasure and eclipse every earthly attraction.2{OHC 189.5}[5]
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