7月3日 解救痛苦的媒介
Agents to Relieve Distress, July 3
“王要回答说:我实在告诉你们,这些事你们既作在我这弟兄中一个最小的身上,就是作在我身上了”(太25:40)。{OHC 190.1}[1]
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.Matthew 25:40.{OHC 190.1}[1]
如果自称跟从耶稣的人观看自己昂贵的衣服,发现上面有上帝的指头所写的字:“见赤身的,给他衣服遮体,”他们会怎么样呢?如果他们看到家中昂贵的装饰、图画和家具上写着:“将飘流的穷人接到你家中”(赛58:7),他们该怎么办呢!在珍馐满席的餐厅里,有上帝的手迹写着:“不是要把你的饼分给饥饿的人……吗”(赛58:7)?……但愿众人,无论老少,都要思考作上帝的管家……不是一件小事。贫苦受欺压的人被撇弃在困乏之中,同时主的钱财却被自私地浪费在奢侈豪华的事物上。但愿人人都记住:上帝是不偏待人的!在一位大公无私的上帝面前,作一个诚实忠信的管家的确是一件大事。……{OHC 190.2}[2]
What if the professed followers of Jesus should look upon their expensive garments and should see the words written upon them by the finger of God, “Clothe the naked.” What if they should see inscribed upon their expensive decorations in their homes, the pictures, and furniture, “Bring the poor that are cast out to thy house”! In the dining room, where the table is laden with abundant food, the finger of God has traced, “Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry ...” Let all, old and young, consider that it is not a light matter to be the Lord’s steward.... The needy, the oppressed, are left in want, while the Lord’s money is selfishly squandered in extravagance and luxury. O that all will remember that God is no respecter of persons! It is a great thing to be a steward, faithful and true, before a just, impartial God....{OHC 190.2}[2]
上帝的律法认定每一个人都必须为自己经手的每一元钱交账,因为主已指派人担任祂解救世界痛苦的媒介。一个人若怀存私心,妄用主所托付他的财物,必招致自己心灵的败坏,因为他所尊崇、高举和荣耀的是他自己。……在我们的世界上,有些人虽然自称是上帝所特选的,却总是从有需要之人的“那边过去了。”耶稣看见并记住这一切。祂不会不闻不问。耶稣宣布祂来要将福音传给贫穷的人。祂施舍了祂的“财物”,为了使仁爱和恩慈永存,在祂子民的心里逐渐增强。……{OHC 190.3}[3]
The law of God holds every man accountable for the use he makes of every dollar that comes into his hands; for the Lord has made men His agents to relieve the world’s distress. If man hoards or selfishly uses his Lord’s entrusted goods, it will be to the ruin of his own soul; for he honors, exalts, and glorifies himself.... There are those in our world who, although the professedly chosen of God, can always pass the needy by on the other side. Jesus sees this; Jesus marks this; He will not pass it by. Jesus declared that He came to preach the gospel to the poor. He has bestowed His goods, that love and beneficence shall live, ever growing stronger in the hearts of His people....{OHC 190.3}[3]
在末日颁奖之时,所依据的是我们实际的善行:“这些事你们既作在我这弟兄中一个最小的身上,就是作在我身上了。”基督屈尊成为贫穷的人,与穷人利害与共。……祂要求祂每一个门徒以感恩慷慨之心,分赠所托付与他的财物,犹如呈献给他的救赎主一样。(MS.1892.11){OHC 190.4}[4]
The apportioning of rewards at the last day turns upon the question of our practical benevolence: “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Christ puts Himself in the poor man’s place, identifying His interest with that of the poor.... He calls upon each disciple to dispense with grateful liberality the gifts entrusted to him, as if he were bestowing the same upon his Redeemer.3{OHC 190.4}[4]
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