12月12日 你愿意开门吗?
Will You Open the Door? December 12
“看哪,我站在门外叩门,若有听见我声音就开门的,我要进到他那里去,我与他他与我一同坐席”(启3:20)。{OHC 352.1}[1]
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.Revelation 3:20.{OHC 352.1}[1]
耶稣说:“看哪,我站在门外叩门。”我们愿意让祂进来吗?祂不希望我们凭着自己有限的力量站在当前末日的危险中。……我们有权利行在祂临格的阳光中,将快乐、感谢、宽容和仁爱的金线交织在我们正在建造的品格中。我们就这样显示上帝恩典的力量,在天天临到我们的诸般烦恼和刺激中反射天上的亮光。……既然如此,我们为什么要在黑暗中蹒跚而行呢?(RH.1885.11.24){OHC 352.2}[2]
Jesus says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock.” Will we let Him in? He would not have us stand at this time, amid the perils of the last days, in our own finite strength.... It is our privilege to walk in the sunshine of His presence, and to weave into the characters we are forming the golden threads of cheerfulness, gratitude, forbearance, and love. We may thus show the power of divine grace, and reflect light from Heaven amid all the frets and irritations that come to us day by day.... Then why do we go stumbling along without light??27{OHC 352.2}[2]
圣经和祂的使者所发的每一个警告,责备和规劝,都是耶稣叩人心门,要求进来的声音。你每疏忽一次叩门声,就越削弱你开门的决心。如果你不马上注意耶稣的声音,它就会与心中其他许多声音混杂。世界的思虑和业务就会占据你的心,使你已有的感动也消失了。心灵变得麻木,体会不到时间的急迫和伟大的永生。(7BC.966,967){OHC 352.3}[3]
Every warning, reproof, and entreaty in the Word of God, or through His delegated messengers, is a knock at the door of the heart; it is the voice of Jesus, asking for entrance. With every knock unheeded, your determination to open becomes weaker and weaker. If the voice of Jesus is not heeded at once, it becomes confused in the mind with a multitude of other voices, the world’s care and business engross the attention, and conviction dies away. The heart becomes less impressible, and lapses into a perilous unconsciousness of the shortness of time, and of the great eternity beyond.28{OHC 352.3}[3]
不少人将那么多的垃圾堆积在心门外,不让耶稣进来。一些人与弟兄之间有隔阂应当消除。另一些人有坏脾气、骄傲、贪心。还有一些人被爱世界的心堵住了门口。这一切都必须撤除,然后他们才能打开心门,迎接救主进来。{OHC 352.4}[4]
Many have so much rubbish piled up at the door of the heart that they cannot admit Jesus. Some have difficulties between themselves and their brethren to remove; others have evil tempers, pride, covetousness; with others, love of the world bars the entrance. All this must be taken away, before they can open the door and welcome the Saviour in.{OHC 352.4}[4]
“我要进到他那里去,我与他,他与我一同坐席”这是何等宝贵的应许啊!奇哉,上帝奇妙的慈爱!我们虽然不冷不热,多有罪愆,祂仍对我们说:你们要转向我,我就转向你们,并医治你们背道的病。(RH.1883.9.4){OHC 352.5}[5]
How precious is the promise, “I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Oh, the love, the wondrous love of God! After all our lukewarmness and sins He says, Return unto Me, and I will return unto thee, and will heal all thy backslidings.29{OHC 352.5}[5]
我们的工作是敞开心门让耶稣进来。祂正在叩门要进来。……你愿意开门吗?耶稣正站在你的心门外。应当让这位天上的贵宾进来。(Letter.1893.110){OHC 352.6}[6]
Our work is to open the door of the heart and let Jesus come in. He is knocking for entrance.... Will you open the door? Jesus is standing at the door of your heart. Let Him in, the heavenly Guest.30{OHC 352.6}[6]
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